In a first for me in a non-building sense, I'm taking on a project with a time frame. The goal is to have this wagon looking pretty by the little ones birthday party at the end of May. Not a lot of time, but hopefully not a lot of work either. I'll be updating this thread in real time, so hopefully it won't be too slow going.
Currently, all the bolts on the wagon are soaking with PB blaster. Even with a flathead trying to hold the bolts, my impact was just spinning everything, and I'd rather not cut them off if I don't have to.
Now that that is out of the way, onto the pictures and the plan.
This is as it was sitting down in the carport until about 45 minutes ago. Doesn't look to bad from the side.
The floor, not so nice.
But the bottom is in great shape, so this should be an "easy" paint job.
I expect this pile of stuff to make it all better. a 120 grit and 80 grit flapper wheel, rubberized paintable undercoating, wire wheels, a new cheapo angle grinder, some 80 grit for my palm sander, and a can of self etching primer. I haven't decided on a finish color yet, but I still have lots of 400 and 800 grit paper left from painting the Miata, so whatever color it winds up should be shiny. But I want to coat the whole thing with paintable undercoating to maybe help prevent future rust, and make cleanup easier at the end of the day.
The wheels are 13x5x6, and look like they'll fit onto the existing axles. Just setting things side by side, I don't think I'll have any clearance issues, but I may add lift. We shall see once I get the wheels on.
Longterm plans are to make the wagon grow as she does, so by the time she is 10 or so, it should have a full suspension and be useful for hauling crap around the yard again, but right now the goal is to make it not a tetanus trap by her birthday party.
Currently, I've got the old hardware soaking, but I suspect I'll be cutting it off and replacing it with new. When I do that, I'm going to look at 1inch square tubing and other options to make the frame a little beefier and raise the rise height a little bit.
At the very least, these new wheels and tires should make getting through the swamp I call a yard easier than it was when I was a kid.
If I finish this in time, I'll be working on a way to connect it to her power wheels quad, but I don't know if the little 6v motor would be up for towing.