In reply to Sunflowerbw :
Throttle body removed
Sunflowerbw said:All right, timersert kit, coil, and plugs ordered. The next question is, do we want to do shaving cream or leaf blower? Please cast your votes!
I did the shaving cream on a Ford Escape and it worked great. I set the cylinder to the bottom of the compression stroke and filled it up. When I was done, I rotated the crank by hand to TDC and then vacuumed out the rest.
Hard to tell, is the valve itself knicked? If so, then at the least just give it a compression test and see if that cylinder is lower than the rest, If not then just run it.
Well, zero compression on cyl 5. Note, I only have 60psi on cyl 4 and 6 I think because the throttle body isn't opening for some reason, but 60 is not zero and zero is zero. Sounds like I need to replace a couple of valves. Time to think about things...
A engine, like that, very common, and they made a lot of them, it would make more sense to avoid repair. Find either a complete engine replacement, or a head assembly, decide what would be easier to replace.
If you do a replacement head, you could put in thread inserts on all the plug holes, while you have it on the bench.
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