Rausch Creek Rallysprint, Halloween Mudbog Edition
The Rausch Creek Rallysprint venue used to have to cancel if there was rain within a few WEEKS of an event, so it's a huge credit to the organizers that we were able to run in the rain... but also, we ran in the rain. And I was, in an attempt to squeeze every cent out of an expensive set of tires, running on the same used Hoosiers we had on the car for STPR. This was a mistake.
Our main competition was Josh and a few front wheel drive cars, and the moment we started running it was apparent that our tire choice meant we weren't really competing at all- zero grip on the rear, to the point where getting stuck on course was a real concern. We ran two full heats like that, though, and everyone made a real mess of their vehicles in the snotty, sticky mud:

After a bunch of slip and slide runs, we started getting a check engine light- a misfire code. This was probably heat related, since the entire front of the car was clogged with mud and there wasn't a whole lot of cool air making its' way into the engine bay. At some point we also shed our rear bumper cover, and with upwards of 50lbs of mud weighing it down Chris Bersheim carried it all the way back to our service spot:

It still meets my definition of repairable so we threw it in the truck bed. I also determined that, with the misfire code and really excessive wheelspin, our used up rear tires might be hurting the car more than was acceptable so we changed them out for some used but still good Hoosiers instead:

Off to even more mud slinging:

The fresh(er) rear tires made a huge difference and I was cursing myself for trying to run on the bald old ones all afternoon, but it didn't really matter much- our times improved by 10sec+ per run on the two minute course but we were WAY back at that point. After some night runs, the event ended and we were in last or close to it. I think the new rear shocks work well but honestly the conditions were so soupy it was hard to tell.
To top it all off, apparently I wasn't finished making an ass of myself and the rear of the car slid off the ramps on the way onto the trailer, requiring some serious teamwork to get it back onto the deck:

All things considered, the car handled it well and the organizers put some serious work in in order to make this event happen despite the weather. I need to figure out what, if anything, to do about the seemingly heat related misfire code, and consider some better ways to keep the rear bumper on and maybe rethink my tire strategy or avoid mud events entirely. Sara was of course perfect on the notes the whole time, and seems to be mildly horrified at the condition of the car afterwards.