Yesterday was the day to figure out the blower. Took a bit of staring at wiring diagrams, and digging around the garage for some missing parts, but in the end, I got it running again. The controls are more mangled than they already were, but I can control fan speed, and there is air blowing on the windshield, although I think the vacuum controls for the blend doors are boogered up. I have a non-AC set of controls, but don't want them in the budget, and their wiring is a touch different. I may need to add a switch to turn the blower motor all the way off right now, I can't figure out what I broke on the controls that does that.
After that, a little clean up work in the interior, including raising the resale value considerably. These were the seats I've been dealing with:

Took a bit of time to install a cheap cover I bought ages ago, as it came with some weird installation hardware, and no instructions, but now I have this:

I no longer feel like I need to take a shower after sitting in the truck.
There are now a few more things I want to deal with before taking it on the highway and driving it longer amounts of time - alignment, wiring, and the starter.
For the alignment:
- The passenger wheel has about 0 camber, and the driver's side has noticeable negative camber. I'd like to get them both to around 0. It may hurt the autocross time, but it'll help it track straight on the dragstrip and the road, and help with even tire wear.
- From driving it, there is some wonder steer, but no hard pulling to the left or right, so I'm thinking toe is alright, although the steering wheel is off center. Might correct that, might not.
- I need to get the Beetle mobile again, and out of the garage, along with clearing some more space out, so I can work in there. The driveway is too sloped to even attempt a rough alignment on.
- I also need to decide if I am lowering the front end before or after the challenge. It'll look better leveled out or with a bit of rake to it, but I am worried that once I tear the front end apart to cut the springs, I'll end up taking the usual 10 times longer than planned to finish everything.
For the wiring, a lot of stuff is just hanging loose in the engine compartment:
- MAP sensor needs a longer vacuum line, and then I should be able to mount it on the firewall
- Blower relay might be able to be mounted to the inner passenger fender, or it may need some wiring extension.
- Blower motor resistor is just hanging loose near the back of the engine compartment. It won't fit in the hole in the non-AC heater box, and the wiring is too short to reach anyway. I assume I should really figure out a way to mount and encase it, though, to keep it from shorting against the body or engine. I may see about building a bracket to hold it and the relay in position.
- The 12V+ junction box is just hanging down near the battery. On the fireturd, it mounted up near the battery. In the S10, I think it mounts on the firewall. I am leaning towards building a bracket mounted to the core support to keep it from rattling around. It's close to the serpentine belt, so it needs to not have the ability to move much.
- There is a bunch of unused wiring, mostly related to the AC and air pump. I either need to separate it out of the loom, or more likely cut the wiring back, and cover the ends with electrical tape. Right now, a lot of it is being held out of the way with zip ties. I also need to accept this thing is never going to have AC again, and I just don't need that wiring.
Finally, the starter. Even though it is shielded now, I am still running into issues with heatsoak. That's fine if I'm going to go somewhere and park the truck long enough for it to cool off. But right now, if you drive it for a while, shut it off, and immediately try to restart it, the starter can barely turn.
- If I wanted to be creative, I could come up with some fan/ducting to keep it cooler. I don't want to do that, but it may be cheaper than the alternative.
- The alternative is to give in and get an LT1 style starter. It's smaller, more powerful, and less susceptible to heatsoak. My budget may not support a new one, at least not without leaving no room for unplanned expenses. There's nothing in the local upull junkyards that is appropriate right now. Online, it looks like used starters are in the $45-50 range, so I may just go for that. Chinese LT1 starters can be had for under $40, but everything I've read says to avoid them.
Today, I need to go through and update my budget, so I have a better idea of where I stand. Since I started working on the truck again after giving up on it making it to the 2017 and 2018 events, I've just been stuffing receipts in my build folder. I'm pretty sure I have around $200 or so to work with, but would like to be certain.
Finally, I am pretty close to certain that I'll be in the "Don't Judge Me" category at concours, unless wae decides to come by and work his wiring and detailing magic. The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards a "no berkeleys given" style build. I won't intentionally make it ugly, and I will try to keep it cleaned up at the challenge, but I just want something I can have fun with and beat on without caring how perfect it looks.