This week i added trailer guides and a new rear roller. I was going to be creative and use some extra pvc for the l poles, but hit the easy button and bought a set online for $70. Hardware was included and the install only took 20 minutes.
We also registered the boat and trailer for two years.
I also bought a bimini on ebay for $75 and installed it. Pretty nice Piece for the money. It doesn't provide much shade when the sun is low, but it is an improvement.
I wanted to mount the guides farther back, but the light brackets were in the way

I gave up on wiring the tail lights, i think there's an issue w my vehicle harness. Luckily kur boat launch is only a few hundred yards down the road. Most the boats there don't have plates or working lights. I'll tackle that this week. I may move the guide poles farther back and mount the lights on them.
I woke up early and went fishing this AM with the wife and kid. We only caught a few small whiting, catfish, amd a small grouper. None of them worth keeping. With the motor up we only draw a few inches so it's easy to get around. The 25hp also moves quick enough to keep up with traffic.

The boat really smelled like fuel.
I found one source for the fuel smell in the boat. The bulb in the fuel line was leaking when priming the engine. I already bought a replacement and now that problem is solved.
Unfortunately, that didn't explain the extent of the fuel smell. Once i got home i could see that the carb looked wet and there was gas pooling under it. The fuel line that goes to the choke had split. Whenever i pulled the choke it would spit fuel. This males since, because the choke didn't want to stay in. It looks like a pretty simple fix. What's weird, is all the fuel lines use zip ties as that normal?!?
Also, should there be an air filter on this carb?

Finally, the boat is definitely leaking at one of the seams. I'll need to buy some caulk. The marine stuff is +$30 a tube. Worth it?
I still need read up on the service manual and order parts for preventative maintenane.