Argh--It never occurred to me that reman calipers *weren't* painted. I'll try to investigate. But you're right, if they're not, painting them now would be probably be worth a $6 can of paint.
I definitely won't have trouble priming the fuel system:) I'll have the start-bypass switch so it'll let me run both fuel pumps without oil pressure for starts, then I can flip the switch to make it so that a dead engine results in dead fuel pumps. Which, when I think about it, is a sane idea even if the rules didn't require it.
I do, in fact, have a locking hydro parking brake, but I wanted to ask you guys about it. I have this:
This works great as a parking brake. It seems less than ideal for on-stage use, however, since you've got to push the button. And the button is somewhat recessed, which seems very not-ideal. I was considering a few options:
(1) Remove the ratchet mechanism and add a hydraulic parking brake. In airplanes we use a one-way valve thing where when engaged, you put pressure in the system and it stays there until you disengage. I'd assume there's a similar thing available for cars--I could certainly use the one I'm putting in my airplane but it's expensive, and also airplanes have totally separate left/right brakes, so it's actually two valves and I only need one.
(2) Remove the ratchet system and carry some sort of wedge to shove under the parking brake.
(3) Find some way to enable/disable the ratchet mechanism.
(4) Extend/replace the button so it's easier to push
(5) Leave it as-is. It's a rear-wheel drive car and I'm no Colin McRae; do I really need a handbrake? As much as I enjoy unnecessary handbrake turns on the street in the snow, it's maybe just asking for trouble? On the other hand, why did I buy a rally car if I can't do handbrake turns? And if it's there, I'm likely to use it and then get it stuck like an idiot.