Hadn't looked in since the crazy. Glad you were able to turn that mess into a plan to start up a great business!
I can't afford one, but no doubt you'll find customers, with a cool azz trucklet like that.
The towing picture is interesting. First, the location. Indoors? Was this something like load-in for an auto show at something like an arena or Civic Center?
More on the towing, is the green one just fwd? Not awd? Or, is putting it in neutral enough to not harm drivetrain?
They all look great!
In reply to John Welsh :
Green one didn't have a drivetrain in it. Preload parking at David L Lawrence convention center last spring for World of Wheels. It tows pretty easily that's to the 448 foot lbs of wheel torque.
exotruck said:
OK, with a post like that (which seems to suggest you've expanded your stable), you can't just leave us all hanging! What's the latest?
You'll need to log in to post.