I had the good fortune to see this car in person at York in 2014. At the Rod Nats, I was with Andrew.
Definitely an interesting car and a pair of proud owners
Well, not much happening at the moment on the T5. We pulled the engine about a month ago for a quick rebuild, and while I was under the car I found a lot more structural rust than I had initially thought. Looks like the T5 will be getting the summer off.. LOL I have some other projects in front of her, (Motorcycle and Bathroom) but once those are done we will get back to it. For now, here are some pictures.
Woody wrote: Any pictures of the rusty areas?
I didn't take any while I was under her. I may get some time in the shop this weekend. I will grab some pics if I think of it. Its nothing horrible, just work. :-)
Well, its been too long since I spent a little quality time with my lady, so Sunday the youngest and I headed to the garage and started cutting out the old rusted floors... Not a lot of progress, but it was progress. As always, the more you do the more you find. I hoped the seat supports would be good, but nope... Oh well
Got the old floor cut out enough to test the first replacement pan so I could see how it fits. Lots more work to do!
Well its been a while...
I spent a little time in the shop Sunday and worked on the T5 a bit. Started cleaning up the inner rocker to attach the new floor pan, then laid everything back in to see how it was coming along. Slow but steady. I need to get some gas for my mig so I can start leaning to weld again. :-)
No work on the car itself this weekend, But I did started on a little side project.. The T5 fender badges for our car are long gone. Because I cant justify the cost of OE replacements on a driver/beater quality car we are going to try our had at reproducing a "close approximation" of the badge. Something that looks "right" at 10 feet and identifies the car as a T5. Here is what Ive got so far.
NOS OE Badge ($2500 a set)
Good Restore-able OE Badge ($1500 a set)
My 2D Concept Drawing
My 3D Model
I found a place to 3d print 2 sets for $60 total. Talk about a Grassroots effort.. lol Hope to get a couple sets printed soon to play around with adding chrome/color.
So just as a followup, I stumbled upon the T5 today while searching for Mustangs for Aaron (Ratghia) She turned out nice!
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