Figured I would throw together a quick build thread for my newest P.O.S., "Gloria" I found her on Craigslist for $600 but worked a trade instead. I gave the P.O. some tools I had in my shop that I wasn't using and we called it good. All told, I figure it cost me about $100. It was hard tailed two owners ago. The guy I bought it from didn't build it, but said he road it a lot. He told me I could ride it home if I liked, I decided to borrow a truck and haul it home. (Remember this later)
Craigslist pics...
Home Safe and Sound
I started taking it apart.. well because it was ugly and looked to have been built by a chimp.. ( no offense to chimpanzees )
Ok, that's a new one... the hard tail was JB Welded on.... Poor Bastage actually RODE this death trap...
Leveled the rear and braced it until I could rebuild the hard tail...
And now for the Concept Sketch..
Time to start collecting parts and get building...