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Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
3/16/22 2:51 p.m.

In reply to HalfFast :


Wrre you and that truck running the carbs test and tune at rockingham a few weekends ago?

And, link to the foil stuff you ised? Ive not been impressed by the stuff ive tried. 


BKO5 New Reader
3/16/22 5:13 p.m.

Ill be in the hpde3 group with you this weekend in a rented e30, look forward to seeing on track!


jimgood New Reader
3/16/22 7:28 p.m.
BKO5 said:

Ill be in the hpde3 group with you this weekend in a rented e30, look forward to seeing on track!


E30s are tons of fun! I rented one back when we ran at Dominion and had a blast!

I'm sure I'll be pointing you by while I get used to this beast. Stop by and say, "Hi."

HalfFast GRM+ Memberand New Reader
3/17/22 7:45 a.m.
Dusterbd13-michael said:

In reply to HalfFast :


Wrre you and that truck running the carbs test and tune at rockingham a few weekends ago?

And, link to the foil stuff you ised? Ive not been impressed by the stuff ive tried. 


I will see if I can find what I used.  It was the version that had adhesive on it, but I didn't trust it, so I added the bands to keep it in place.  
It wasn't "impressive", but it's helping...  

On Edit:  No, that wasn't me.  I am local to Summit Point Motorsports park.  Was out for an HPDE testing last weekend.  (didn't go as well as I had hoped)

jimgood New Reader
3/20/22 8:16 p.m.

What a weekend!

I was unable to get it together to run any of the Open Track sessions on Friday. Right before the first session, I sheared a lug nut off over-torquing it. I should have done more research on the correct torque for these Wide 5 hubs.  I put in a call to a local circle track parts supplier to see if he had a hub or even a replacement stud. He said he'd get back to me but never did. In the meantime, I spent a lot of time trying to remove the broken stud with a hammer and punch but it wouldn't budge. So, I decided to run it the next day on 4.

The Sat. morning HPDE3 session was canceled due to heavy fog. I ran the mid-day session and took it pretty easy, just trying to get a feel for the car. Remember this is a dog box trans so completely new to me. It's one thing to watch YT videos describing the technique and another to actually do it. It's not technically difficult. What's more difficult is unlearning the unconscious movements of using your left foot to disengage the clutch while braking with your right foot. With a dog box, you brake with your left foot. That can fool your brain into thinking you're depressing the clutch pedal. It's a weird experience. I think that session I was about 50% successful with my shifts.

The mid-afternoon session went a little better. I was in the neighborhood of 80% successful with my shifts. There was that one time, hauling down the front straight in 4th gear at about 5000 rippems when my brain told me to shift into fifth gear. There was no 5th gear (it's a 4-speed). But there was 3rd gear. And there was shrieking and spinning at an un-Godly speed. I stopped somewhere in the grass about 75 yards from Start/Finish facing the right way. I stalled it but it started up again and I got back on track with no further drama.

On the way into the pits at the end of that session, I suddenly lost power steering. It is extremely difficult to turn without the assist but I made it back to my paddock space with out hitting anything.

After recovering, I popped the hood and did that thing that guys do; stuck my head under there hoping to see something. All the belts were there. No hint of fluid anywhere. The cap on the PS pump was too tight for me to get off bare handed so I let that sit for a bit. I was paddocked with jh36 and Ed Higginbotham so I whined about my plight. Ed went over and twisted off the cap from the pump reservoir. I must have loosened it up for him. There was plenty of fluid in there.

We decided to fire the engine and see if the pump was turning. No. It was not. Neither was the water pump or the alternator. Thank God the oil pump was being turned. The belt between the crank and water pump lost half of its teeth and was just sitting there. Since it was not turning the water pump, neither of the other two belts were being driven either. The oil pump belt is driven directly off the crank.

So I spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, with Jack's help trying to track down a replacement belt. No luck. It's an oddball; a Jones Racing Products original or something.

All of the belts were brand new but the WP belt was somewhat loose and there is no tensioner. I think the added friction caused it to overheat and delaminate.

So endeth the weekend.

And, no, I did not get any video. I couldn't figure out a good place to put the GoPro that I would be able to reach while from the seat. I ordered a rollbar mount but it came too late to use for the weekend. In fact, it was waiting for me when I got home today.

BKO5, it was nice meeting you. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you had a great time in that E30. I'll bet you didn't miss any sessions due to things breaking. laugh

Overall impression of the car? OMG!! I had a Factory Five Challenge car for a couple of years and it was a hoot. But it was about 225 hp at the wheels. This car is easily double that. Even with my tentative driving, jh36 clocked me at a 2:13. Obviously not setting the world on fire with that time but it's much faster than I've ever driven VIR. The brakes were amazing but required 10 times more effort than I'm used to. There was a slightly terrifying jerk to the right under braking that would happen as the brakes really started to grab. Cornering is so beyond my comprehension. I'm afraid I was defaulting to whatever my previous cornering speeds were in my E36 so I have a good deal of work to do to build my trust in the limits of this car.

My body is bruised in weird places. The underside of both my upper arms are sore from the torso restraints in the seat. My ribs hurt from getting out.

But it was all worth it! Can't wait for Summit Point in April!!



jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 2:56 p.m.

Should have my water pump belt situation sorted out. I called Jones Racing Products today (all of the engine accessories came from them) and we figured out that my crankshaft pulley for the water pump is one tooth too small. So I ordered a 31-tooth and, since my 30-tooth pulley is still in perfect condition they are taking it back on exchange. I also ordered spare belts, two of each. That will guarantee I never break another one.

Asphalt_Gundam Reader
3/21/22 3:57 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

I read the weekend post and figured you had a tooth off on the belt or pulley. Good to see Jones got you sorted out. I run their stuff and the crank the water pump belt fit is snug to say the least. Been running the setup for 3 years now on my car and haven't even needed to change belts. Its rock solid reliable.

trigun7469 UltraDork
3/21/22 4:45 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

I am living through, thanks for posting this.

jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 6:26 p.m.

In reply to Asphalt_Gundam :

Thanks. That's good to know. I guess I'll have my spares AND yours! smiley

jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 6:28 p.m.

In reply to trigun7469 :

Just wait 'til I start posting video! Then you'll learn how NOT to race! blush

jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 6:34 p.m.

I just got off the phone with Willwood to inquire about the torque recommendation for the lug nuts on their Wide 5 hubs. The tech guy was unable to answer and I guess none of the other tech guys on duty at the time knew either. He took my number and is going to try to reach someone that knows and call me back.

I had no idea this information was so damn esoteric. But at least they have a tech line manned by real humans.

And, yes, I did Google it but I only found one source (85 lb/ft) and I like to get corroboration. My Google foo sucks.

Blazer178 New Reader
3/21/22 7:12 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

I have a pro truck that I road race and run aluminum rims on wide 5 and with 5/8 studs. I torque them at [ 90 lb/ft ] and i have never broke a stud so i am guessing someone might have cracked it before. The studs are a press fit and too get one out and press it you need a big hammer .

Back a few years ago I got too VIR for the first time and the truck ran 2.06 there hope you get too enjoy the car a lot




jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 7:37 p.m.
Blazer178 said:

In reply to jimgood :

I have a pro truck that I road race and run aluminum rims on wide 5 and with 5/8 studs. I torque them at [ 90 lb/ft ] and i have never broke a stud so i am guessing someone might have cracked it before. The studs are a press fit and too get one out and press it you need a big hammer .

Back a few years ago I got too VIR for the first time and the truck ran 2.06 there hope you get too enjoy the car a lot




That jibes with the one source I found. Willwood got back to me and said it is usually based on the wheel manufacturer's recommendation. He gave me specs from one manufacturer at 130-140. I think that's still too high. I used 150 and the only click I achieved was the stud snapping off. I've been using 90 for years on most of my cars and it didn't feel like it snapped at much more force than that. Maybe 120 at the most.

Anyway, the Willwood tech recommended that I contact my wheel manufacturer for the torque. I'll look at my wheels tomorrow and see what they are.

Edit: actually, I think I'll just call Circle Track Warehouse tomorrow. They'll know.

jimgood New Reader
3/21/22 10:20 p.m.

Just recalled a couple of learning experiences from the track weekend. After my first session, I noticed a bunch of oil splattered across the passenger side of the cockpit. I hunted around and found that the oil tank breather can was full and had been spewing oil. Draining that was easy but the oil looked like it had water in it; very milky. This freaked me out a little so I decided to go ahead and change the oil as it was due anyway.

Jh36 did some asking around while I was getting prepped for this and the consensus was that it was probably just condensation getting mixed with the oil in the breather.

I was relieved to find that the oil I drained from the tank was dirty but did not show signs of water.

So, two things to remember, drain the catch can and don't worry if it looks milky (check the oil in the tank).

I had some adventures trying to get the car on jack stands that I don't really want to recount. Let's just say wheel chocks are mandatory and get the front stands as far forward on the chassis as possible. I have a brand new racing jack that's a little bent for my troubles.

BKO5 New Reader
3/21/22 10:34 p.m.

It was nice chatting with you and checking out the car, its in real good shape. You looked really comfortable out there and you certainly did a few fly by's around me which was real cool but unfortunately I didn't have my camera running until the next day. 

jimgood New Reader
3/22/22 4:50 a.m.
BKO5 said:

It was nice chatting with you and checking out the car, its in real good shape. You looked really comfortable out there and you certainly did a few fly by's around me which was real cool but unfortunately I didn't have my camera running until the next day. 

So how did you like that E30? Is that your first time in one?

jimgood New Reader
3/22/22 3:33 p.m.

So I talked to a guy at Circle Track Warehouse. He asked around and one team owner said, "Hell, we just torque 'em down 'til they say squeeeeeak!" and one racer said 90 ft-lbs. So I'm going with 85-90!


Blazer178 New Reader
3/22/22 6:45 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

yes {85 to 90} will be fne and i have run my at WakinsGlen many times and hit 160mph there.

Milky oil in your breather will be like that every time but on my tank they wanted me too run the breather take back into the tank which i did not do. I just have to run the tank about 1 inch low .

jimgood New Reader
3/22/22 7:27 p.m.
Blazer178 said:

In reply to jimgood :

yes {85 to 90} will be fne and i have run my at WakinsGlen many times and hit 160mph there.

Milky oil in your breather will be like that every time but on my tank they wanted me too run the breather take back into the tank which i did not do. I just have to run the tank about 1 inch low .

Thanks for the confirmation. My breather does not go back to the tank either.

jh36 Dork
3/22/22 10:20 p.m.

The car was incredible in person.  It is phenomenally clean and looks showroom new...I'm amazed at the deal you got.  It's hard to not be excited about this new chapter.

I am bummed that you got bumped with the belt issue, but it is clear that the car has a ton of potential and I need to hurry up and figure out how to make my jalopy roll faster...you are going to be quick.

It was fun as always hanging out...fast cars, good food, excellent company, etc. etc. etc....it certainly makes for a nice couple of days.  Summit Point is just around the corner, so I'm looking forward to another play day.

Good times.

jimgood New Reader
3/23/22 4:38 p.m.

Got my delivery from Jones Racing Products already (belts and new 31-tooth pulley). That pulley is $79 but that's probably reasonable for small-run machined parts. They didn't include anything for the return of my 30-tooth pulley so I'll have to call them again and arrange that. Hopefully it's an even exchange (less shipping).

They did include some cool stickers and a Jolly Rancher. smileyyes

jimgood New Reader
3/26/22 4:59 p.m.


JRP sent me a 31-tooth pulley to replace the 30-tooth that made the water pump belt too loose and caused it to fail. However, after installing the new 31, there's still enough slack in the belt to deflect it about an inch (1/2" in and out). I'm not a belt expert. Hell, I'm not even a belt amateur. I don't know if that's acceptable or not. It's way better than it was with the 30-tooth pulley. But I have to wonder if a 32-tooth pulley might just be perfect. Or is this amount of deflection good?

Any comments appreciated.

jh36 Dork
3/26/22 8:53 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

When I saw that at the track, I was thinking you should go down significantly in belt length.  I'd be looking for deflection of 1/4-3/8".  These engines are new to me, but that amount of power spooling up fast seems like you're going to rip another belt apart in a few laps.  Sort of wish there was as idler on there, but I don't think that's a thing.  

jimgood New Reader
3/27/22 5:51 a.m.

Thanks for the input. I'll call JRP on Monday.

jimgood New Reader
3/28/22 9:52 a.m.

Called JRP and they said 1/2" of deflection is acceptable. So, we'll go with that. I didn't want to pull that 31-tooth pulley off there anyway as installing the key made it really tight and it was going to take a puller to get it off.

I wanted to get the car out of the trailer to do a little work on it but we're having another cold snap and I need to run a heater in there. But the next thing I want to do is see if the seat out of my BMW will fit better in this car. It's already a full containment seat and doesn't have as much of a lay-back. I'm hoping it will help with egress.

I have a bad feeling I'll need to remove the roof in order to get the seats swapped.

In other news, the notion of cheap NASCAR scrubs for tires is turning out to be a unicorn. If anyone has some ideas, I'm all ears.

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