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Stavison New Reader
6/26/21 10:10 p.m.

I guess I'll also post about the other things that have been going on. I'm still in college (Electro-Mechanical Engineering) and actually working on my capstone project. For my project, my group is building an active rear wing/air brake and modernizing the electronics of our one group members '67 Dodge Dart that is a 10-second drag car.

Also in his garage is his dad's '68 Power Wagon which is a pro-charged drag truck (not sure what times it runs but it's fast).

And here's my daily up on jack stands getting an axle changed and a transmission fluid change.

And since I haven't posted much of the daily, here's a pic of it running the Tail of the Dragon last summer,

Back to the Hyundai (kinda), I acquired a set of WRX seats and was going to either adapt them to fit the 4Runner or put the passenger side seat in the Hyundai. After seeing irish44j put WRX seats in his Raider, I figured it should be a relatively easy retrofit, but upon taking apart the seats, I found that my 2002 WRX seats were different than his 2006 WRX TR seats and it would be much more difficult than it's worth. So if anyone is local to Central PA/DMV area and wants a great deal on some WRX seats, hit me up.

irish44j (Forum Supporter)
irish44j (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
6/27/21 7:39 a.m.

Keep your eye on Facebook marketplace for used race seats as well. I sold my two old sparco seats for less than 150 bucks each (currently residing in two other cars that rally cross with us).  I like the WRX seats, But race seats hold you so much better in place! They're also the hybrid "street" race seats that have an adjustable back which you can often find for pretty cheap.

Stavison New Reader
6/28/21 12:32 p.m.

In reply to irish44j (Forum Supporter) :

Yeah, I have the Corbeau seat on the drivers side and I really like it. I will be keeping an eye out on marketplace though. Because even though I usually don't have a passenger, it'll be nice to have a racing seat on that side for when I do. Not only will it be more comfortable for them, but also I feel like the stock seats sit too high, especially since my Corbeau is mounted so low.

cmcgregor (Forum Supporter)
cmcgregor (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
6/29/21 12:26 a.m.

I admit it, this got me to check Craigslist for cheap Hyundais. Looks like fun!

dark_09accent New Reader
7/17/21 5:42 p.m.

In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :

Hey what "VW struts" were you talking about when saying you found something the be adapted for the hyundai accent? You say you used Monroe shock data site? Info is appreciated. I was looking for some high performance struts to go with megan colils.

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) UltimaDork
7/18/21 7:31 a.m.

To be clear I didn't say I had found a set, I was implying that it might be doable. I use the Monroe site (MonroeMountingLengthSpecifications.pdf) to look for shocks from vehicles that are "close enough" to use. There are only so many ways to make a strut. Then I find a performance shock from other manufacturers that match the dimensions of the substitute I found on the Monroe list. So, I would look at any strut car that has a Bilstein or Koni available for it and compare the dimensions of those struts to the Monroe Accent part. I did it for my Challenge build....it uses Miata front suspension, but used Miata shocks aren't Challenge friendly priced, so I found a set of Toyota Tacoma shocks that are close enough to modify slightly to fit. For an Accent I'd start with all years of VW Golf to see if anything is close enough, and that's just because I've had some experience with VWs and know performance shocks are available. I would have no problem looking at replacing a spring perch or adding brake line tabs to make something fit. Going to a coilover set up would be even easier.

dark_09accent New Reader
7/19/21 10:11 p.m.

In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :

Thanks for the response, I see what you're saying now. I went with kyb to pair with my megan lowering springs anyway and probably won't change them unless I end up with a really solid idea of what to throw in. 

Stavison New Reader
9/11/21 5:14 p.m.

So following up from the last event, I did change the front brake pads and rotors out for some PowerStop drilled and slotted rotors with high performance pads. I don't particularly like the idea of using drilled and slotted rotors just out of fear of rocks getting in there and berkelying up my brakes but there really aren't great options for this car. I also have stock replacement rear drum brakes, new brake lines, and Motul 660 Racing Brake Fluid that I plan on putting in when I get the time/motivation.

While doing the brakes, I also did a nut and bolt check since the entire suspension was just redone earlier this season. Everything was nice and tight except for the two bolts holding the lower ball joint onto the hub on the passenger side. They did have orange paint on them which I did to mark every nut and bolt after initially torquing them, so I'm not sure what happened with these since the ones on the driver's side were perfectly fine. No big deal though, I'll just make sure to keep an extra close eye on them for now.

I don't have any pictures from the event a couple of weeks ago, but we were back at Panthera which is where all of the rest of our events are for this season. On Saturday the course was very dusty at the start of the day and that made it hard to get traction and I got way more rotation from my back end than normal. It was only Gabe and me running in PF and he was also struggling with traction so we were putting down pretty similar times in the morning. I think I had a couple of faster runs but I also took out more cones than him evening it out. By the afternoon most of the dust was cleared off and the surface felt much better. With good traction, Gabe and I were both running very well and it wasn't clear who would end up on top, but on the second to last run Gabe took out two cones which gave me enough of a lead to take the win.

On Sunday we ran the larger course which had more hills and hairpins, and right before the finish line was probably the tightest turn that opened up right into a steep uphill sprint to the finish line. This proved to be an issue for me because I couldn't get through that turn staying in second gear and with my shifting issues I ended up having to run it at redline all the way up the hill and shift into second right before the finish line. I think my shifting issues are a result of bad engine/trans mounts because I only have issues shifting into second when under power, so the thought is that the worn-out mounts are letting the engine/trans rock forward too far and the shifter cables aren't able to extend far enough to get into second gear. I plan on addressing this soon but I have limited time and especially time that I can get my car into my parent's garage. So anyway, with my shifting issues robbing me of a lot of time, I was consistently a few seconds slower than Gabe each run, giving him an easier win.

Stavison New Reader
9/13/21 9:57 p.m.

Roof Scoop Install

I had some time this weekend and finally got around to installing something I've had sitting around for a while, my roof scoop. So to start, I took measurements of the roof scoop and how big of a hole I needed to cut and started marking out the centerline and hole size on the roof of the car.

After marking everything, I double and triple-checked my measurements before breaking out the angle grinder.

I tried to take out the headliner, but something was getting caught and I couldn't find what it was so I just left it in but it did drop down enough to be out of the way. So after I got the hole cut, I roughly traced out the hole to cut out of the headliner and cut it out with a small harbor freight body saw. The body saw worked well to cut through the headliner but did seem to get tangled up in the fabric part if I went too fast. Since this isn't a show car, I just taped the edges of the headliner. It's not the prettiest but it works.

Next, I put the base piece in and taped it down, marked out the hole locations, and drilled them out.

Once I had the holes drilled, I cleaned the area and laid a thick bead of 3M Windo-Weld on the bottom of the base, and riveted it on.

The last step was to just mark and drill the holes for the top piece and rivet it on. I also put some windo-weld on the sides between the two pieces just for extra strength, not really necessary. So there we have it, the final product. The top piece doesn't perfectly match the curvature of the roof, but that doesn't bother me at all.

And just for added rain protection, I got some 4 mil plastic sheeting and some magnetic tape and made myself a nice little rain cover. It probably wouldn't hold up in a hurricane, and it probably isn't completely waterproof, but since I don't expect my install to be fully waterproof, I figure it'll be good to try to keep as much water away as I can.

My initial drive impressions are pretty good. At speeds under 40 mph the air coming in through the vents isn't much, but once you get to around 40 you can definitely feel it and the amount of air is equivalent to the ac being on full blast by around 60 mph. With the vents closed, it really didn't let much air in, so it shouldn't be too bad if I drive it in the cold at all. Obviously, there's some noise from it, but it's a lot less than I expected and with the volume of my exhaust (which isn't terribly loud), I barely notice the wind noise.

Stavison New Reader
10/5/21 9:22 p.m.

Livery Design and Installation

So we all know that one of the best parts of race cars is the cool designs, right? Well, I've wanted to a livery on this car and finally decided to pull the trigger. Now since this is Grassroots Motorsports, I took the grassroots approach and did the design and installation all on my own. I don't know anything about photoshop, so to start getting an idea of what I wanted to do, I picked a picture of my car that had a good side profile, taped a piece of paper to my laptop screen (it's an old E36 M3ty laptop) and traced the picture. From there, I made copies of the blank tracing so I could try multiple livery designs. Then I made copies again and used colored pencils to try out different colors. I took initial inspiration from one of Hyundai's liveries but then did my own spin on it.

As an engineering student, the design softwares I am used to are usually not quite meant for art, but I was able to make do with AutoCAD. To get the shapes, I imported the picture into AutoCAD and drew the shapes in AutoCAD with lines, splines, and polylines. I was able to draw them over the picture to make sure I got the proportions right and scaled them based on measurements I took from the car. For logos, I got vector images of them online, converted them to .dxf files, and brought them into the drawing. And for letters and numbers, I just used a text box and then used "Explode Text" to convert it to polylines. I added a lot more than just what is in the sketch, but here you can see everything that I had designed. Everything was broken up into 24"x100" boxes because I used 24" wide rolls of vinyl and the vinyl cutter would only do up to 100" at a time. On the left is everything to be cut out of the Mint vinyl, and on the right is Traffic Blue.

After getting the AutoCAD designs done, I had to import the .dxf files into Adobe Illustrator and save them as .ai files since that was what the vinyl cutter accepted. My college has a professional vinyl cutter in our engineering labs that I was able to use, so I supplied my own Oracal 651 vinyl in Mint and Traffic Blue and TapeManBlue transfer tape. I didn't know much about what I was buying and I bought High-Tack transfer tape. I found that that was probably too sticky for the Oracal 651 and it was difficult to get the transfer tape off without pulling the vinyl with it, so I think in the future I would get a less tacky transfer tape.

Once I got everything cut and weeded (which took a couple hours), it was time to try my hand at installation. I had never done any vinyl work beyond small decals, so I was a little bit worried but went at it. So for the first piece, I started with one of the front fenders, I didn't know much about technique, so I just did what I had done with decals and tried applying it dry. That didn't go well. I got so many creases and wrinkles just from sticking to itself and not laying smoothly. So after that, I did some research (that I admittedly should've done first) and tried using soapy water on the next piece. With the soapy water, it laid so smoothly and easily.

I made the main shapes taller and longer than I needed so that I could just use a razor to trim them at the panel gaps and to get the horizontal lines where I wanted and matching the other pieces, I used knifeless tape. That was another first for me and it took some getting used to getting it started but once I got the hang of it, I loved how easy it made it.

After I got the hang of everything, I kept going with the rest of the car before heading back to campus to reprint replacements for two pieces I had messed up.

At the end of it all, I learned a lot and had so much fun. I definitely didn't get a show-quality result, but at only around $100 in material cost and maybe 20 hours of my own labor, I'm pretty dang happy with the results. Anyway, now for the reveal.

A close-up of what I did for the wheels.

Stavison New Reader
10/5/21 10:30 p.m.

WDCR Events 8 & 9 Action Shots

These next two shots (taken moments apart) really show off the suspension hard at work.

And this last shot shows off the infamous "moon dust" that lies on the outside of the corners, waiting to slow you down if you go a little too wide.

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) UltimaDork
10/6/21 6:42 a.m.

Nice work on the graphics.

4/25/22 4:06 p.m.

Where mate , im in Canada. I think I've seen your accent on one of the KDM groups on FB. Where did you end up buying that blue front strap that hangs 

Stavison New Reader
5/10/22 12:29 p.m.

In reply to alejandroalcs :

I lived in Pennsylvania, but just moved to Tennessee a couple months ago. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to spend much time working on and racing this car lately.

Yeah I had just joined the Hyundai Accent Society FB group a little bit ago and posted about my car, that might be where you saw it.

That front tow strap was from Racer Direct and it is just a universal piece. I welded my own setup to be able to bolt it to the original front tow hook threads. I only got it because it cost $10 and I was $10 away from free shipping. Fortunately I haven't had to use it, I'm honestly not sure how it would hold up.

bobzilla MegaDork
6/7/22 3:45 p.m.


Danmit I wish I had a need for this.

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
6/7/22 11:24 p.m.
bobzilla said:


Danmit I wish I had a need for this.

If you don't have a rallycross car, get it!  If you live near here there is rallycross in the NE corner of AL.  I know it's the closest site I've found to my new house.  

bobzilla MegaDork
6/8/22 8:07 a.m.

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

I'd be prepping it as a road race car.... but I don't have room or wife approval.

Stavison New Reader
6/20/22 1:24 p.m.

In reply to bobzilla :

I'll be sad to see it go but right now I just time have the time to work on it or race. One day I'll get back into racing but for now I'd rather see the car get used. Also I'm wanting to buy a house before the end of the year so the extra money would be nice to have.

bobzilla MegaDork
6/21/22 9:12 a.m.

So is it sold?


Stavison New Reader
6/21/22 3:16 p.m.

In reply to bobzilla :

Not yet, I took the ad down the other day because I had a random burst of motivation to keep it, but I've re-decided it's not the right move right now, I just haven't gotten the marketplace ad back up, it's still listed other places though.

Stavison New Reader
6/21/22 3:28 p.m.

Facebook ad is back up in case anyone on here is interested.

Facebook Marketplace

bobzilla MegaDork
6/21/22 3:53 p.m.

If the C10 sells quickly we may be talking.

Stavison New Reader
6/24/22 10:00 p.m.

In reply to bobzilla :

That would be awesome, I'd love to see it go to a fellow GRMer and it'd be sweet to see this as a road racer!

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