Thanks Guys. I just wish my nephews were closer for the physical stuff.
Waiting to see what the docs want to do with it. It's never healed right before so they are talking about possibly a pin in there.
IT's just so close now that a good weekend of wrenching will have it done but I know I shouldn't be in the garage.
So it's been a little bit since I updated this. Lot has changed with my little miata. So I got her all together and the couldn't keep a consistent temp reading on it and just had small issue after small issue. To rewind a little bit, the idea was for this to be the car to get me back on the track consistently and this just wasn't cutting it. I wanted something to allow me to work on my driving and instead was getting more practice with my wrenching. So it became decision time. The turbo was an older system and needed a lot of small things. I just envisioned my time chasing problems vs. getting the track time that I truly wanted to get from this car. So....Off came the turbo system. I kept everything in such a way that if I do want to put it back on at a future date I can with relative easy. It was more capping things off vs. like changing the oil pan out with a non-tapped one. Also, It came with a head build but a really good company so I couldn't resist but to put it on.
I put her on a rather large diet. Off came the AC, Cruise, Top, the entire airbag system, the turbo system, PS, and some odds and ends. I also took off the Link that was on it and replaced almost all of the wiring harnesses that were tapped during it's installation with salvaged OEM ones. I'm getting really close to getting this all done. Just need a few small things to get it complete that I'm tracking down through the salvage community. Then the final piece will be to solidify the safety side. Goals will be doing SCCA Time trials as part of this.
It's setup as basically a STL build in terms of HP, Suspension allowances, and Weight. That will give me a good barometer on my driving improvements as I become more comfortable on the track. I do want to track down a hard top and eventually just get a bikini top. I don't see driving this too much on the streets. Mostly just to PPIR and Pueblo and occasionally around town.
Damn dude, the turbo system is what made the car kinda special. Especially since you replaced the downpipe, turbo and upgraded the intercooler.
That said, they do make running the car up here far more complicated, especially with heat management. Literally the only car I haven't had heat issues with up here is my 911 Turbo and it only has 40 years of race development under its belt. Well, that plus 3 radiators and an absurd amount of coolant!
Yeah. It's not 100% what I wanted to do but I took a realistic look at the situation and this is the best bet. Worse case, I get bored with it and I open up all of the boxes and reinstall everything. Honestly, It would only take a weekend at most. Probably a day since I know the car so well. It's all going to be right there. Honestly, I've touched every part of this car except the clutch and I think that will need replacement soon too.
Or I just say f it and slot a K24 in there. The chassis on it is great and with the mods I've done, a total go cart. My most fun miata to purely toss around.
Still on the list is copying Kieth's brake Duct from the R model spoiler holes and doing some brake cooling and roll some fenders once the weather heats up a bit.
Gees.....Long time on the update. Tons of things have happened since the last post both personal and with the car.
Going through a divorce and having the car almost 70 miles away at my old house in Colorado Springs and me living in Denver has slowed progress a lot. So I now have 3 cars so this one can 100% be a track toy. I'll keep plates on it because it doesn't cost anything really but I doubt it'll see public roads too much. Integra for around the town and canyon carving. Xterra for winter/off-road/occasional towing. Miata for Time Trials/Track time and some occasion autox work.
So The link system was having a ton of issues with the AIT circuit board and replacements don't exist. So MSPNP2 got installed but I'm still chasing a grounding issue for the TPS. I have to sit down and run through everything and see what the the issue is. I have a circuit diagram and just need to go through all of it. I was going to do it last weekend but needed to get the deck stained on the house so we can put it on the market. If anyone needs a big house in colorado springs with a nice yard and plenty of wild life let me know.
So with that, I have an appointment to get drop floors put in and the Kirkey's and the 6 pt harnesses mounted. Turns out one of the makers of the drop floor kits are less than 10 miles away. Have that appointment setup for late August.
So yes Doc, You can borrow it if you want now that you'll fit under the rollbar once that is done.
Probably not going to get any track time this year with the Miata but I'll have it all done and ready to roll for 2021
So sorry to hear about the divorce, that sucks.
Why the need for the different ECU if you pulled the turbo kit off of it? Just run the stock ECU?
You having Hanksville do the drop floor? That's what I was going to do if I kept it. Just couldn't bear to cut the floor out of such a nice low mileage car tho
Yeah. Hanksville is doing the Floors, Seat Mounting, and the Harness mounting. Seemed like a good thing to farm out to the pros and the price was really fair.
For the ECU....I got it from an old miata friend and the price was really inexpensive. It's more for me to learn and tinker with than a true need. Honestly, It's also helping me diagnosis some of the wiring issues since I can pull up individual sensor readings in tuner studio. I've always wanted to get more into ECU tuning so it's my COVID learning session.
If the paint/rock guard wasn't so cracked, I would have thought twice. I did re-tin the rear panel where they mounted the 6X9's at one point. Also have the tin to do an underbelly panel for the engine and form some brake cooling vents from the R chin spoiler. Still have to figure out the mystery green wire that runs through the car.
Weight wise and so on, It'll be close to on par with a spec miata build. A little more HP and a little less weight without the full cage but really we are talking small percentages.
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