we spent tonight figuring out exactly where the seat wants to be.
There's a much narrower sweet spot than id like. And its still not perfect, but its the best compromise. Three inches from nearest tube, and i had to flex the seat and come halfway out of it to make contact. I think with a fixed seat, and harnesses and hans, i have nothing to worry about.
Looks good, buddy. Great progress.
I notice on the back wall of your dad's shop what looks like a flyer from the Colorado British Car Conclave. What's the story there?
I used to take my Spitfire 20-some years ago. Really cool car show. In about 5 years I'll take the TVR...
My folks traveled out west every year for a few months until covid. They went to that one year, brought the flyer home. Dad being the vmcar guy he is had a couple mgb back when they were just another used car.
Check one off the list. The crossed arms of your compatriot indicate satisfaction with the seat placement. Quick question, are you in nap mode dreaming of vroooming around a race track?
More along the lines of becoming one with the car. Like they suggested about golf in caddyshack.
Dad and i are as pleased as can be with the seat placement. I hope to build all the tabs and such and get it fully bolted today.

seat mounting took a diversion to firewall hole filling and thinking about brake pedal box reinforcements. Lots of firewall flex, and i know i need to tie into the dash bar. Just not sure how yet. But i have a couple ideas.
The front tabs are made and welded.on the seat though! So its firmly located side to side, and already a lot stiffer.
I also hooked masters into the pedals. Which changes their placement in the footwell. Which changes leg angles. Which changes seating position.....
The foot box looks a wee bit tight. May I suggest the go pedal be a little higher than the brake pedal. I had an incident with my Jaguar, where the gas and brake pedal were even with each other. With a larger shoe, I would be pressing the gas and the brake at the same time. Strange feeling going and trying to stop, at the same time. Mine was corrected thankfully, by way of adjustable pedals. Just a thought.
Went to the junkyard in Winston with brother Dustin today. I needed that today good for the soul. When I walked in dad's shop on the way home I figured out what my brain was chewing on yesterday. The seat is as far back as I can realistically make it and there's still not enough legroom. So I'm going to kick out the firewall around the brake pedals and clutch pedal and steering column about 2 inches to give me more like room. As my wife likes to say I'm 5 foot 7 with 4 ft legs. I'm now in search of an appropriate sized cake pan to make my kick out of.
Dirtydog (Forum Supporter) said:
The foot box looks a wee bit tight. May I suggest the go pedal be a little higher than the brake pedal. I had an incident with my Jaguar, where the gas and brake pedal were even with each other. With a larger shoe, I would be pressing the gas and the brake at the same time. Strange feeling going and trying to stop, at the same time. Mine was corrected thankfully, by way of adjustable pedals. Just a thought.
I never race without proper racing shoes on. I have really wide feet, and shoes make a huge difference.
In reply to HalfFast :
I have proper Racing shoes I just haven't tried them in this foot box.
Also do you remember what size joint that steering box you sold me takes? I can't seem to find the right one in my stash for the life of me.
i fubard the first one, and decided a bigger kickout was better anyway. So, round two!
First I thought your idea was half-baked, but you really made it look like a piece of cake!
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
That was fantastically bad.
I needed that today!
In reply to HalfFast :
that would explain it. all mine are 3/4 and smaller.
off to order one i guess!
Ergonomics on a custom car are hard to figure out and even harder to execute well. It makes a big difference though.
Here's an idea:

This is for my dual-master pedal. I'll be updating this to accommodate a clutch pedal soon . . .
In reply to rustomatic :
Looks like the same speedway mount im using.
And thanks. Kinda what i was thinking as well. Lets me know im on the right path.
Travis: definitely been interesting. The amc ergonomics were never quite right. Took four sets of seats and three shifters to find in the duster. Trying to do this in one.
So, this weekend has been family stuff.
I did test fit the firewall kickout, and its perfect.

Also pushed it outside to do an oil change in the Prius. First time ive been able to step back.

Oh yeah..... Looking good.
Business side of the firewall needs some finishing, but it gets me a way better leg anle than before.
Ill sandblast the cake pan, tack it to the firewall, grind the old firewall flush with the new opening, and seam seal it

I haven't popped in on this thread in while. It's great to see the progress you're making. Do you know what you're going to run as a transmission? The reason I'm asking is that if it's a dog box or something that can be shifted clutchless you may want ot make sure that the pedals and steering column are arranged so that you can left foot brake.
In reply to APEowner :
For the time being, its a Saginaw three ring four speed. Its what I have.
Want to eventually wind up with a close ratio t10, but budget is definitely getting too tight for comfort.
It's been a little while since I checked in... it's looking good!
The cake pan is pretty clever. How stiff is it? Flexiness in the pan may cause the brakes to feel spongey. You may want to have someone watch for or measure deflection at the master cylinders when you mash the oh-berkeley pedal. Can you fit a little more support structure on the firewall side of the pan?