Figured I'd start a thread on my bike projects. In case you haven't already noticed I have a bit of the add.
Been itching for a bike again but really didn't want to drop any real money on one right now.
So I dug out my old 1975 Suzuki TS185. Poor things been thrown in a shed or behind the garage for about 6 years now.
I've had this buy for about 20 years now and my dad got it for me from the original owner way back when. Still have the original title and key and key chain for it.
So I was in the process of making it more street oriented. Swapped in some other forks off a street bike. Honestly can't remember what they where off of now, I think a honda maybe.
So that's with the street bike forks and just pulled it out from behind the garage.
I then swapped over the 1982 dr125 front end on. I need to get a different lower stem bearing but it's on enough for mock ups.
Much bigger fan of the dr125 front end on.
Then I got to work on putting the pieces back together. Haven't worked on it since 2012, so had to try and remember what I did.
Got the stator back on, but then realized the one of the flywheels magnets are cracked.
But I tossed it on and kicked it over and she still has spark. And sounds and feels like good compression.
Going pick up a used one on Ebay. And had to order a helicoil kit. One of the exhaust flange bolt hole are stripped out.
But here is where I ended today. Pretty happy with the progress. Spent about 4 hours on it bewteen yesterday and today.
And I'm a solid 20% sure I cleaned the carb the last time I fiddled with it.
I'm going to go check out another bike tomorrow for my wife. It's going be a surprise for her.
And here are some of my past ones.
When I got it
When I sold it.
Used to have a bunch of Honda cb's
Old cb900
03 r6
Last one was an 03 sv1000. Every thing was spray bombed flat black when I got it.
And this is when I sold it. I found it horribly uncomfortable.
Ransom said:I know it's totally off-topic, but I'm jealous of your FC Jeep.
I know, I really need to get back to work on it.
But instead I bought a 2007 Honda Rebel 250 for my wife. Guys said it just died and got tired of messing with it.
So I'll say what I paid tomorrow after I title it (that good of a deal). Ran the vin and it's all good.
The ad
2007 Honda 250 was running then lost power, changed multiple parts and cant figure what's wrong
Hour later.
She runs. Needs a battery and I need to check the charging system. But rode it around the block.
Going to be a surprise for my wife. She's always wanted one, so I'm surprising her tomorrow with it. She's been out of town visiting a friend.
Well realized after standing inline for twenty minutes the the guy put Saturday date on the title. So have to wait until Monday to title it.
But put some of the pieces that were off back on. I still got to go through the charging system but I'm in no real rush, waiting for the battery to show up.
Ghost flames
The ts185
Waiting on some parts to show up. Got a new used flywheel coming. Found the right tapered bearing for the lower stem. Got a new exhaust gasket coming.
But packed the new tapered bearings for the stem and tightened it up. So front end is officially on. The other handle bars I have are also bent. So I'll have to pick up a new bar.
The rebel
Stole the battery from my little 4wheeler today. The one I ordered is still in transit.
Charging system works fine. Was putting out about 14v at idle. Battery was a little low.
So road around the neighborhood again. Seems to run and stop. All the blinkers and brake lights and headlights low and high work.
Need to check the date on the tires but they hold air and have good tread.
So really just need to do a new chain and change the oil and air filter and it will be ready for riding. Do need a new seat or to reupholster the one on it, got a few rips on it.
Not trying to be a dck but don’t we have a Sprockets forum on here? And the only reason I bring it up is because if you put it here, and after a few days it gets buried down under the pile, I will not see it! I only look for for motorcycle stuff in the Sprockets forum. Had I not just happened across it here I may have not ever seen it :-(
A 401 CJ said:Not trying to be a dck but don’t we have a Sprockets forum on here? And the only reason I bring it up is because if you put it here, and after a few days it gets buried down under the pile, I will not see it! I only look for for motorcycle stuff in the Sprockets forum. Had I not just happened across it here I may have not ever seen it :-(
But everyone who doesn't look in the sprocket forum would never get to see these piles of awesomeness.
It also had nothing to do with the fact that I forgot there was a sprocket section.
Well the ts185 is alive again. I had cleaned the carb before parking it for four years. The carb was still clean except for the inlet. No fuel was getting into the carb. Once that was taken care of she fired up.
Worked on the rebel. Tucked up some wires, cleaned up some of the chrome and gave it a quick bath. Also lubed and adjusted the chain.
Adjusted the shocks to the fat boy setting so I can ride it. And adjusted the shifter so my foot can actually shift it.
Still need to change the front tire, its all kinds of cracked.
Added black side covers. The airbox one was missing and I'll never be able to match the paint. I think they look ok in black, better than a bad paint match.
Put on a new tube and tire on the front. Going try and get it insured and inspected this week. That was the last thing I had to fix to pass.
Also if the mods want to move this to sprocket section that's fine by me.
Took it for a ride around the block tonight. Not sure why I thought that was a good idea with it being 34 and raining. But rode good, curious to see how it does over 40mph. Only thing I have to do it change the oil and put a new piece of fuel line on from the petcock to carb. Oh, almost forgot also have to change the front pads, they are super thin.
Got the rebel legal. Took it to home depot today. Rides decent, I imagine it likes a smaller person better. Does good 0-55mph, after that it's a bit lacking.
Also changed the oil after the short ride.
I reset the trip counter when I got it running.
I have got to get some different rear blinkers. And I'm on the hunt for a bike for me, I really want to build a good fighter this time.
The stock seat is awful, my big but doesn't fit. So once again I robbed Peter to pay Paul and stole the seat that I got for my ts185.
Need some saddle bags for it and change out the ugly rear blinkers
While I preferred the look of the other seat, I went back to stock. The other one sat lower and gave me a Charlie horse.
I'm going shave the rear hump off and reupholster it and call it a day.
Also finally made a bracket so I could mount the battery cover on.
And did the front pads and lubed the chain, it was pretty dry again and the pads were pretty thin.
Finally changed out the fork oil. Went up to 15wt and added 1in spacers for preload.
Think I'm wearing out my pops...
Put some straight bars on and lowered the headlight. Don't really like the straight bars, ordered up some euro bars.
Put on different bars, like them better. I have the mirrors back on, forgot to take a new picture though.
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