mazdeuce wrote: In reply to rslifkin: I know. Maybe. We'll see. Who knows Mercedes crank pulleys? This tool on Amazon says it matches to the part njmber, but it doesn't list the M156. Tool on Amazon
Surely there must be some Play-Doh in that home. Maybe you can make a mold of the inside of your harmonic balancer and compare that with one from a more pedestrian Mercedes.
First of all I applaud you for taking on this project; I would do the same thing. With the updated head bolts you should easily get another 100,000 miles out of it.
I have one of those harmonic balancer tools somewhere, if you're not in a hurry I can send it down. If that's the part number you got from Star Diagnostic it's sure to work.
ansonivan wrote: Is the intake manifold made of aluminum, magnesium or some weird alloy?...
Often German made castings have the metal grade cast into them, look at the identification marks and see.
Woody wrote:mazdeuce wrote: In reply to rslifkin: I know. Maybe. We'll see. Who knows Mercedes crank pulleys? This tool on Amazon says it matches to the part njmber, but it doesn't list the M156. Tool on AmazonSurely there must be some Play-Doh in that home. Maybe you can make a mold of the inside of your harmonic balancer and compare that with one from a more pedestrian Mercedes.
Given where this thread has gone, the economical solution seems to be to add a welder, plasma cutter and some steel and Woody's proposal
I've loved reading this thread. I wish everyone would be brave enough to take on projects like this on their own cars. I started doing it because poverty was the motivator in my case. I was a single mom with two kids and a car that lost the rod cap thereby wrecking the only car I had. I figured that there was nothing I could do worse than fate had already done, so I bought a manual on the discount rack and went to town. I rebuilt that thing in my living room on a tarp. It was winter and it was my living room. I asked questions of the parts guys, the old guy across the street, the gas station mechanics (tells you how long ago that was) and phoned every shop in town that would give free advice. I replaced the bearings, the crankshaft and as long as I was there, had the head reconditioned. I replaced everything and probably a little more than I needed to, but what did I know? I learned about Engines and having no fear (or was it brains?). I got another 200K miles out of that little car. I ended up the family mechanic. I have four brothers and two sons who are completely helpless and hopeless when it comes to cars. In fact I have my youngest son's car in my garage in pieces now thanks to his "just a little tighter on that bolt" causing a pot metal flange to break. Thanks mazdeuce for giving inspiration to many of us who are just like you are, willing to take a chance and do it ourselves.
Muggyweld should be able to fix that, if you can find someone experienced in using it. Plenty of videos on Youtube showing repairs done with the various Muggyweld products.
Unlike aluminum "brazing" or "soldering" rods, Muggyweld has a melting point considerably lower than aluminum and most Zamak or pot metal alloys.
With the others you're always on the edge between repairing and having the part melt into a puddle.
In this one for updates. I've never been a fan of the R-class (reminds me too much of the old Chrysler Pacifica) but I'll be damned if I couldn't read every one of your tales...
LSxDreamer wrote: In this one for updates. I've never been a fan of the R-class (reminds me too much of the old Chrysler Pacifica) but I'll be damned if I couldn't read every one of your tales...
I've been trying to find the answer to a 3 row vehicle, that isn't a minivan. Convincing myself that an R350 can't be toooo terrible to maintain, has been going through my mind lately. Someone else told me the pacifica similarity, so I looked it up because cheap parts.
Do a quick image search on a Pacifica, to remind yourself what they look like. its 100x worse than you remember.
mazdeuce wrote: In reply to rslifkin: I know. Maybe. We'll see. Who knows Mercedes crank pulleys? This tool on Amazon says it matches to the part njmber, but it doesn't list the M156. Tool on Amazon
The one in the listing just below it has picture with someone holding calipers to the pertinent bits.
In reply to Crackers:
That listing made me excited. I went out and looked at the pulley and measured. My pulley has two ID's becuse of the step.
I suspect that the one listed wouldn't work because it won't fit in the interior step. It does eliminate that one, which is helpful.
In reply to mazdeuce:
Don't you have a lathe now? Then again in the same position I'd probably be building a tool after failing to loosen it with some sort of improvised strap wrench and an impact gun.
Do you have a welder? A couple pieces of flat stock and some round rod would make quick work of that it seems.
In reply to AmySanders:
I've read this four times today and I'm in awe of what you did. My playing with cars doesn't come close. I'm here with a disassembled van completely by choice. I've got other cars to drive and other options for the van.
What you did is borderline heroic. You dove into the abyss and took care of your family and I want to give you a hug and buy you a beer.
If I ever start writing for real, not just playing with words on build threads, I'm going to try and find you and stand in your garage and talk to you and tell your story.
Thanks for writing what you wrote and reading along.
I've never been a fan of the R-class (reminds me too much of the old Chrysler Pacifica)
Do a quick image search on a Pacifica, to remind yourself what they look like. its 100x worse than you remember.
I like Mazdeuce's R-Class very much, but i don't get the Pacifica being a bad association. Put them next to each other and my eyes say the Pacifica looks better.
Ian F wrote: Mazdeuce's Tales from the Grosh - Automotive Heroics from Around the World.
I have some thoughts on collecting stories on One Lap this year. The people that you spend the week with are fascinating.
mazdeuce wrote:Ian F wrote: Mazdeuce's Tales from the Grosh - Automotive Heroics from Around the World.I have some thoughts on collecting stories on One Lap this year. The people that you spend the week with are fascinating.
If you fix this and take it to One Lap next year, you would be the king of our hearts.
In reply to Vigo:
I think the difference is in design language through time. The R is probably the worst example of a rather elegant design language from the mid 2000's until almost now that has evolved and aged quite well. Side by side with a CLS of the same era the R class looks like the chubby unathletic brother of a supermodel.
The Pacifica is probably the best example of a Chrysler design language that graced some mediocre to horrible cars. You can't look at it without seeing sadness and broken dreams.
In reply to Galane:
OK, Muggyweld looks cool. I admit I'm tempted. I need to read a bit more and watch some videos. How hard can it be?
In reply to Spoolpigeon:
Taking the R63 on One Lap has always been a thought. The more I do One Lap the less it's about the car and the more it is about the experience.
What I'd love to do is convince AutoNation or CarMax or a dealer that does CPO to hand me a car that they've checked. Drive to South Bend, have Tire Rack swap pads, rotors, brake fluid and tires and do the event. When done give it back. Prove that their checks are that good. Or maybe buy it from the and sell it back after so the risk is mine? Lots of ideas. Good stories.
this one owner R63 just was listed on Bring a Trailer
This thread has already been linked to and brought up separately in the comments.
I feel your pain. My 08 e63 w/ 73,xxx miles just lost the head bolt and killed the engine, it completely seized. MB is obviously using the same talk track because your experience is almost word for word what mine was. Basically told to kick rocks... I am currently looking for a new engine online but being very particular and looking for lower miles than I currently have. Will also swap to the updated head bolts prior to install. I couldn't agree more that MB could do more for their AMG customer but they clearly give zero F**ks about their customers. Cheapest engine with lower miles I have found so far is $9,500 and includes a 90 day warranty. My kids are younger so not sure to swap it myself and will likely have a shop do the work. Found this thread via Facebook of all places, keep up the good work - best of luck!
In reply to jeremyw211:
That's about right for a low mileage engine. Then you need to go inside and do head bolts and probably lifters (talk to MB about that) and all of the gaskets and labor involved and then the labor for the swap. It sucks and I wish there was a better answer from MB. The older 63 cars are getting to the point where a broken head bolt means you throw away the car, and that sucks.
Sonic wrote: this one owner R63 just was listed on Bring a Trailer R63 This thread has already been linked to and brought up separately in the comments.
The comments there make me laugh. The last one sold for over $50k, right? We'll see if I somehow crashed the R63 market. If he can PROVE that the head bolts were done then it should be an interesting auction.
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