There aren't any.
What I found was interesting. The backlash when I set the gears up was .009". It felt like about .002-.003" when I pulled it out. What the hell???
This is what I drained out:
I wasn't able to get good pics of it, but there were large FLAKES of metal everywhere, including inside the diff carrier. I'm not sure what was coming apart, but it was coming the everloving berkeley apart.
Here's the ring gear, where some of the old layout paint was still stuck.
WHAT the HELL. I did not set it up that badly, The mesh was nowhere NEAR that deep!!!
Anyway, I took the Locker apart.
Here's the internals.
All this looks okay...
This looks okay too... a little wear but not "OMG stick a fork in it"
Now this is a little concerning. I don't remember there being these deep marks in the carrier/case/housing/whatever.
The things that I did find that aren't photogenic: Both axle bearings are "indexing" something fierce. They were new, from wherever Dutchman got them, so who knows what quality. The plan is to buy new Timken bearings from NAPA, unless the price makes me wince, in which case it will be whatever is cheapest from Summit. Or maybe I will ignore for now. Probably that one.
The carrier bearings are worn, and have very minor pitting.
Didn't disassemble the pinion yet.
Unphotographed is that the paint looked burned off of the springs in the diff. Wondering if I wrecked the temper by overheating the fluid.
The Plan, such as it is, is to put the original springs back in the Locker. clean EVERYTHING, replace the ring and pinion, maybe with something different ratio this time, and see what happens.
Well, hell, one of the reasons I wanted a 9" was because of the world of options available as far as gearsets and diffs is concerned.