What does $500 and a trailer get you these days? This 1982 Supra, abandoned in a storage yard by the previous owner after pulling the engine and trans out of it and filling the interior with spare parts. That's right, we handed over ten Kings for this.
It has L-type seats but is clearly a P-type car. I think the wheels are Rikens.
So far, the federales are of the opinion that we should be able to register and insure it, since in my home province "abandoned in a storage yard" is one of the few ways to register a car that does require a paper trail or proof of VIN. Otherwise, all you need to register a car is the VIN scrawled on a napkin.
The car was stripped in a hurry, with a handful of wires hacked away from the harness. Heater hoses are looped, and the fresh air intake box seems to be packed with mouse nests. The interior has an exceptionally strong tang of mouse pee.
There are only two noticeable chunks of rust so far: a dime-sized chunk above the rear passenger-side quarter panel window and a bit of rub on the rear passenger-side quarter "vent."
I located one of the previous owners' project threads on the local club forum, which terminate about mid-2009 as he slowly goes mad from the car having bankrupted him and moves to another province. I suspect that the actual previous owner did not care nearly as much about it. I'd be in touch with him, but the forum has been abandoned since at least mid-2015 and the webmaster is hard to reach in order to approve my account.
We picked up a $300 (that's sixty Lauriers) W58 5-speed manual with an M bellhousing that supposedly came out of a 90 Supra. The original driveshaft for the car was tucked in the hatch, along with two P-type seats that are probably the original.
We've already gotten an offer to trade the Rikens (complete with split-open Zellers snow tires) for a 5MGE, ECU and harness, which I think we're going to take. The local pick-n-pull also has a 7MGE Cressida lying around, which if the ground actually freezes so it's not a slushy mud bog, I might go visit.
This will be a pretty slow project, since we have at least two other cars in line before it. I think the plan is to build an ice racer.