Now for sale. With spares. 7k grm only.
I will be making a real ad on here, and on Facebook, in the next few days.
Mary decided that she wants something easier to park and cheaper to fuel for her first car, and at the moment is thinking lbc. Well see, as we have 3 years....
Good luck with the sale. Someone is going to get a beautiful truck.
Probably smart thinking on Mary's part. Though don't let her (eventually) drive Stu's MINI - she might become obsessed with it like Jana has!
In reply to TVR Scott :
Lol! No bmw.....
I want to steer her towards a mazdaspeed protege.....
Plenty of time to find and sort.
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
I'd readily go for a regular Protege or P5 for a first car. Small, great handling, good gas mileage, slow....
So, we never sold it. Mary decided she wanted to keep it. We loaned it to a friend when he was down and out for a few weeks. Wound up closer to a year.. .
Regardless, it wound up being driven where it would have kust sat here going to E36 M3 otherwise
Today marked my now 14 year old daughter starting to bring it up to spec. Im teaching her the basics of maintenance and repair, starting with the order of operations: safe. Reliable. Cool. In that order.
Im passing the thread off to munchkin at this point. Its her truck.
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
Wow. That looks like my truck. It was extremely good to me. I think it's the right move on your part.
Dads do for kids. Right?
At some point this thing popped the pinion seal and went dry. Stereo and exhaust loud enough not to hear it for a while.
Mary and i discovered this back in February. Ive been keeping my eyes open for another rear end.
Steve got one. Today, i did the drop.and swap. Mary was at work. Shes going to help rebuild the brakes though. Thats something she needs to learn.
Got started at 7, done by 2. Not bad! Waiting on parking brake cables, since i managed to magle both of hers.
And she starts drivers ed Monday.
Just read back through a lot of this thread last night. Getting ready to take out most of the interior on the blue truck and put in a rubber mat along with a few other things. Wondering if you could provide the recipe for sound deadening/insulation you used. Probably not doing "jute" I think it's called? Considering Lizard Skin. Thoughts?
I used McMaster mastic, followed by the bubble wrap style foil from lowes (reflectix?). Its a pair of products that require more effort than automotive intended stuff, but are FAR cheaper and just as effective if not moreso. The mastic is like dynamat, just less flexible. Use a heat gun a j roller to work it in place. The reflectix needs super77 to be applied.
Congratulations to Munchkin. A big step in a kids life, as well as yours. Just gently remind her to drive with her head and not over it. Geez, if she's cruising in the red truck, she's a lucky girl. My first car was a 1962 VW Beetle, that I rolled over soon after I got my license. My parents were not very happy with me, then again, I did a lot of stuff they weren't happy about ;) Good luck to your daughter. May she enjoy many smiles and miles.
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