In reply to edwardh80:
sorry, the mandatory switch from picasa to google photos is causing problems for me. i will have to switch to another photo site and try again.
I had this vehicle mostly assembled and fitted prior to shipping the body off for sandblasting. The project stalled for a couple of years and now it is back on track. This is a photo prior to sandblasting.
While I had it apart, I swapped out the automatic trans for a 5 speed
New driveshaft came in. Fits very well
Started fitting the driveshaft tunnel made from repurposed vw parts. Had to drill and air hammer off some left overs
Checking the bench seat for tunnel clearance
Also cut out a large rust hole and welded in new metal
Cut out rusted metal and fabricated and replaced the lower sections of the drivers door both inner and outer
Started with a paper template
Bent up an outer panel and ran it thru the shrinker to give it the same curve as the door.
Coming together
This is the remains of the inner door with the new flat sheet metal and a section of rod to shape it around
Working it around the rod
Drove a piece of flat stock into the panel to make it more square like the original
New and old
Inner section tacked in
Welded in and primed
Just needs a small skim coat of body filler over the seam and a few drain holes in the bottom
Rust repairs are done on both doors.
Prior to removing the doors, I drilled a small hole thru the hinges, the body and the backing plates to make re-assembly and alignment easier. With the help of just a floor jack and a couple of drill bits, I was able to re-install and align the doors by myself. After tightening them down, both doors shut properly on the first try!
Progress on the wheel tubs
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My Build Vidoes
mblommel wrote: Your projects give me all sorts of bad ideas.Thanks for sharing the awesomeness.
After all, the only good ideas are bad ideas!
Coming out sweet and doing it the right way !
I had one with a shortened/narrowed Cutlass chassis, it was never right. From the spring rates to the steering, from the belly-button 350/350 to the Detroit Locker rear end. Just a terrible mis-match of parts with a Beetle body on top.
It was kind of ol skool watching what you did with the lower door sheet metal. good doors are about three bucks each around here for the late model Beetles, we mostly cut them up for the good, good German sheetmetal. You need anything late model Beetle related for the build, be sure to get in touch, OK? I probably have what you need and will make a gift of it just to see it being used by someone.
Great start, great thread ! ! !
JGRAHAM wrote: I've really enjoyed all of your great builds. Many thanks for bringing us along on the projects!
Thanks, glad you are enjoying them!
TeamEvil wrote: Coming out sweet and doing it the right way ! I had one with a shortened/narrowed Cutlass chassis, it was never right. From the spring rates to the steering, from the belly-button 350/350 to the Detroit Locker rear end. Just a terrible mis-match of parts with a Beetle body on top. It was kind of ol skool watching what you did with the lower door sheet metal. good doors are about three bucks each around here for the late model Beetles, we mostly cut them up for the good, good German sheetmetal. You need anything late model Beetle related for the build, be sure to get in touch, OK? I probably have what you need and will make a gift of it just to see it being used by someone. Great start, great thread ! ! ! TC
Great, I appreciate it!
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