Gone - Thanks for playing!
Ian wheeled in to a stereo shop to make an appointment for his 300TE wagon. The installer saw the A4, made an offer and it was done. Ian will keep the $500 he paid plus the moneys for new coil packs, profit goes to the original owner (now with a newborn).
Dunno transmission.
Clean Title.
It's the DD of a 8 1/2 month pregnant woman, bought a Subie.
will keep folks posted....
We live 10 min south of Greenwich. I asked SWMBO for permission, she laughed and asked which other car I’d be getting rid of. I am happy to put eyes on this car for anyone, but know next to nothing about Audis.
I'd like to get in line too! For whoever gets it, the fuel gages doesn't work due to the float in the tank. The tank is accessable from underneath the rear bench seat.
OK, I have a list going. Waiting to hear from Ian who reached out to the owner, don't want a bunch of strangers banging on the door.
914Driver said:OK, I have a list going. Waiting to hear from Ian who reached out to the owner, don't want a bunch of strangers banging on the door.
Am I on the list? If not, please add me to the list.
The owners are going to be thinking: "We could've got some money for this."
They don't realize the sheer level of lunacy the individuals interested in their car have, though.
Thank you for your patience. Ian was here last night dropping off his doges for us to watch while he heads to Argentina. He assured me the car is still available, still free, but these people DO NOT move quickly at anything.
Jordan Rimpela said:Now we play the waiting game.
Awww, the waiting game sucks! Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.
I know im late to the party but I'll add my name to the bottom of the list. I'm located in Greenwich!
Ian got back from Argentina on Friday, went to look at it on Saturday. It's rough. Lots of deferred maintenance with poor housekeeping. A tree hit the back of the car but it's almost rust free. It drove like crap. Code Reader says misfires on #1 & #3, the oil is thin and black; hasn't been changed in a year. The owner now thinks it has value so Ian agreed to $500. He picked up new coil packs on the way home.
Ian leaves for California Tuesday, we drive down on Saturday to drop off his dogs and drive this back to his house. His intent is to go through it, clean it the way he does and put it up for $750. DanO passed because of the bodywork, looks like RevHard is next in line.
Sorry for the rules change, the guy did say it was free. It would be a decent ice racer or Rally car. (points off for auto)
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