From the post:
brain cells were damaged in the making of this substance abused, late night, weekend, stress related, cry for help, rebellious, cartoon inspired, poor decision making backyard creation
Cheapest Clown car you can buy ,
if its actually runs and stops it would be interesting to drive it in a Homer Simpson costume !
3 thumbs up
This has been posted here before, and I'll say the same thing I said back then- I'd bring this thing on the Cars & Coffee circuit with pride. It's so ludicrously stupid that I can't help but be enamoured with it.
I have hated other cars more. The price is reasonable too. I don't want it but it would certainly be an interesting talking point.
I have seen the weird, twisted E36 M3 that someone deep in a meth binge will attempt to bring into this world.
By the "quality" of the build, I fear this was built by someone sober. Makes me wonder what might be going on in their head.
There's a lot worse out there in the vehicular hermaphrodite world. It loses some points with me for the Camaro front. Would have looked cooler with something else more squarish personally.
I would have paid real money to have a 'Busch Light' odometer on this build from idea to reality... Has to be several hundred, right?!
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