Need to thin out some of my RX7 stuff.
NA S5 rebuilt 'keg', has Mazdatrix seals etc and Rotary Aviation apex seals. New side seals, solid corner seals, etc. Only stuff I reused was rotors, housings and E shaft. All small parts and seals have been replaced with new. Engine pulled only because I built a TII turbo. $950.00 or best reasonable offer.
S5 NA 5 speed transmission, $225.00
S5 T II 5 speed transmission, $295.00
RX8 6 speed trans, was told it has noise in 2nd gear but there's no metal in the oil etc. $125.00
S5 T II throttle position sensor, ohms out perfect $175. Price these at Mazdatrix.
2 S5 T II oil metering pumps, look perfect and ohm out good per factory manual, $175 each. Price these at Mazdatrix.
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