I need to put on an old fashioned sports car gymkhana in a few weeks and I am having trouble finding information on what maneuvers are involved. Everything on the internet is about Ken Block and all the modern stuff.
The gymkhana's of old involved horrible things such as backing through gates and cloverleaf turns. Hard on transmissions and ridiculously difficult to stay on course. There's a good reason that we've moved away from that type of thing; no one but the hard core types thought they were any fun. If I were you, I'd just set it up as a tight low-speed autocross course. People will enjoy it more that way.
This video shows the traditional British definition of Gymkhana:
jstein77 wrote: The gymkhana's of old involved horrible things such as backing through gates and cloverleaf turns. Hard on transmissions and ridiculously difficult to stay on course. There's a good reason that we've moved away from that type of thing; no one but the hard core types thought they were any fun. If I were you, I'd just set it up as a tight low-speed autocross course. People will enjoy it more that way.
I agree with this statement. My brother and I did a Gymkana at the 6-Pack Trials sometime in the early 90's. One of the obstacles was pulling into a "garage" with a 90 degree turn, backing out, and continuing the way you came. I'm surprised nobody left a differential on the ground. I'd just lay out an interesting low-speed autocross.
Motorkhana in australia has a fair bit of similarity to gymkhana, try the cams website, it has a list of layouts that may help.
I might have an old gymkhana book somewhere at home. I'll look. I know I've run one once, probably at a British car meet. Reverse and complicated maneuvering were involved. Might even have involved a getting out and running around the car or something with a broom.
Here's an old video from the 1964 of a gymkhana. Especially at the end you can see some of the reversing games. The car speeds are just...blisteringly fast.
Something to consider as a more contemporary alternative to a gymkhana would be a car control clinic. These consist of a series of low speed exercises designed to teach how to handle a car in an emergency. They give the suspension and brakes a good workout but would be appropriate for vintage cars because the driver sets the pace and the speed is low. They are non-competitive events and a coach rides along. They seem to be increasingly common in BMW and Porsche clubs. I signed up for one with the Citrus region PCA as soon as I saw the words "wet skid pad" (see my avatar picture :). It was a total blast and I highly recommend it, even for people who have autocrossed, etc. There is a manual with exercises and course layouts circulating. I had a print copy from the PCA but gave it away and can't seem to find one online anywhere but maybe someone else can find it.
In reply to jstein77:
That looks exactly like a traditional Gymkhana! Only the British are that nuts! And no, I don't believe anyone in North America who's ever done one would choose to do another. And I'd never consider doing one in a car that I cared for again! Maybe a rental from National.
A typical low speed autocross or if you want something different a car control clinic to me are both much better ideas! Though I will admit I was hugely impressed with the guy in the clip driving the 7!!
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