Yes; black car (1999 M Rdstr w/supercharger), gray car (2001 M Rdstr), blue car (2008 535xi__wife's car) and Healey (self explanatory really, 1957 100/6 two-seater)
When my boys came home from college last weekend. They saw the green Triumph GT6 we picked up while they were away and named it the Watermelon because it's green on the outside and red inside. My wife calls the 72 Spitfire Chitty Chitty Bang Bang because of the way it sounded before the carb rebuild. The race car is just called the Spit. The other cars are just transportation and are called by their brand names.
The Watermelon
Always thought it was a bit odd when people feel the need to anthropomorphize inanimate objects by giving them names as if they were people.
Certainly useful for animals that you want to be able to call, but decidedly strange for cars, parts of your own body, or clocks, to name just a few I've observed,
Definitely creepy when people start telling me that their car, Binky, doesn't like them this month.....I feel like taking up a collection for a therapy fund.
"Always thought it was a bit odd when people feel the need to anthropomorphize inanimate objects by giving them names as if they were people. "
I started to give the cars names so my wife could keep track of which Triumph I was talking about. Over the years I've discovered Triumphs tend to breed and somehow I now have five of the LBCs. She doesn't know the difference between a MK1 or a 1500. Saying the 72 needs gas, don't use it would result in a 10 minute waste of my time trying to describe which car was the 72 and why I didn't fill it up. Three of my Spits are red so color didn't help out. When the GT6 was added last week, it was just normal, here anyway, that a Triumph gets a nickname.
I think it's OK to give names to objects, animate or otherwise that are important parts of your life. I don't buy the cars presents or get mad at them when they leave something on the garage floor.
I do enjoy the time I spend with them whether it's restoring a part or a night time drive with my wife in the car and my boys following me in chitty on a favorite back road, usually at speed.
I can't help it, I'm a car guy.
My Austin Healey is named Maybeleen, but my father named it that when he bought it. The only car I ever named was a rabbit we called the radbit.
We name almost all the cars at the shop, because it's a lot quicker to refer to "Elvis" or "Whoosh" than "the blue Miata with the V8" or "the turbocharged 1990 Miata".
At home, only three of the cars have proper names. Basil the Land Rover, Nigel the MG and a Mini named The Terrier. Oh yes, and Princess the Grand Cherokee. There used to be Daddy the 1966 Cadillac (ie, Daddy needs a new tank of gas!) but Daddy had a small accident involving a crusher when Daddy refused to play nice.
The other cars don't have enough personality or are a little too focused.
My first 914 I named"wobbie" for a pugnacious neighbor kid with a speech empediment. I had a blue Vanagon syncro I called "Der wasserbeufel"...the water buffalo,I have a weber equipped 914 that smells of fuel I call "El Nebuloso"...the gassy one.I have a rz350 two stroke known as "The buzz bee" for its sound and color.
I like alliteration, alluding to evil.
"The Heinous Honda"
"The Sinister Sentra"
"The Lethal Locost"
"The Hideous Hardbody"
"The Stupid Sunfire" (because I hate it and it won't die)
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