My long-time partner in crime Bluej has decided against better judgement to go and get hitched to a pretty amazing chick who's not a complete psychopath, is successful, and likes to drink beer. Since he's being dumb and actually doing it... we're going to go out with a bang.
We have 4ish days total in February and are going to do something ill-advised and completely against all of my and his OCD mannerisms before he truly settles into Bed, Bath & Beyond-land- buy a cheap/weird car, drive it home, see some sights, visit some breweries, probably fix it several times in the breakdown lane of dangerous highways, ride some interesting roads, couchsurf, and generally go into this with absolutely 0 planning save for buying an appliance.
Anything further west than colorado-ish (exceptions obviously made for exceptional vehicle finds) would be aggressive for our timeline. Looking for unique, wierd, cheapish but running with modest non-garage repairs... Old is cool too! We don't have too much geographical preference other than maybe leaning toward the south due to non-winter conditions, but again- this isn't set in stone.
We'd also love to see if people could help with logistics is we do decide to pull the trigger on something, i.e. scope the car out, perhaps store it for a short period of time until we get there, etc...
We have zero foundational plans. Our goal is to find a car that both screams 'YES!', 'NO!', 'WHY?!', 'WILL IT MAKE IT?', and make us laugh, swear, and laughswear... and go from there. We've both got a pretty good hold on wierd and German, older japanese, and very mild amounts of GM domestic. We are totally cool with going out of our comfort zone on this one too though.
So I'm asking anyone here that like to browse craigslist to jsut keep an eye out for werid crap that might fit our criteria, and just post into it with any help, advice, input, or ridicule. Help will be needed for the planning stages at least, and this thread will probably evolve into some tips along the way. End of the road will be either DC or New Hampshire, depending on how much one of us hates the vehicle... just FYI.