My pickup is clanking and squeaking. 1995 F150 4x4 302 v8 extended cab short bed 200,000+. It squeaks increasingly with speed but not in neutral. The U-Joints feel solid, but I will be replacing them anyway. I noticed a leak out of the transfer case at the output shaft. Replacing the seal on that too.
Think the problem is related? I'll find out soon enough as soon as I replace the U-Joints. Is it just a miracle the seal gave up at a time I had to remove the drive shaft anyway or may the oil leak be causing the SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK. The clang only happens every once in a while which makes me think two entirely different problems.

Or maybe its a conspiracy against me....
I have nothing to add outside of a shared hatred of new squeeks in an old vehicle.
A +1 for you good sir. For you whitty... whit!
how speed related?
squeak... rotor maybe?
clangs, not familiar with them, maybe trac-loc?
clunks tho may be worn control arm bushings
If i let off the accelerator the squeak gets quiet, and the rotors and pads appear fine. That was the first thing I checked. The clang I assume is the u joint jerking. Control arms I have not checked.
EDIT: Basically the faster I go while the engine is under a load the faster the noise gets. Going drive, reverse, drive, reverse there is a bit of clanging around. Again, that just screams U-Joint to me.
U-Joints is my guess. Probably dry. For the clang-clunk, check the center bearing in the drive shaft also. I had one that didn't look bad, but it would clunk pretty hard going into gear. The rubber in them gets soft and lets the drive shaft flop around a good bit. Usually also causes a vibration under load.
Your are describing the exact symptoms when the drive shaft center bearing went on my E28 BMW. The joints were on their way, but the bearing was shot, ie torn, ie BAAAAD.
Ok, Will do. Thanks for the help and I'll post results. I imagine the center bearing going out could cause the u-joints to go out faster as well as damage the seal at the rear of the transfer case at the output shaft.
... sooo no conspiracy?
N Sperlo wrote:
... sooo no conspiracy?
... that still doesn't mean someone or something is not out to get 'ya. 
if it's a U-Joint conspiracy.. it needs to be flexible.
I too bet on the centre bearing.. as for the squeak.. have you tried putting the truck in nuetral and revving while moving?
Its a seized ujoint. Drop the shaft and you will find it.
The u joints are being replaced either way. The transmission was replaced recently (2 years ago) and so were the joints.
I'll try revving while moving.
It's 4x4 so check the front end knuckle U-joint too they should not be turning in 2wd but never hurts to look'em over.
Finally got around to pulling the shaft out.
One of the U-Joints was smashed and no bearings were remaining. The front joints were pretty good, but the yolk was a little worn up there which is why I assume the joint was newer. I replaced both U-joints and the rear transfer case seal at the output shaft. It is a single shaft, so there is no center bearing. Took her for a test drive and she has not run so quiet in all the time I have owned her. It was nice to hear the rumble of the exhaust. I even turned off the radio. 
Thanks for the help as always.