And we pour it? Sheeeeit I could watch that 1000 times and not get bored. Also its probably my favorite beer now.
PseudoSport wrote: I appreciate the card and think it adds a nice personal touch to the challenge. Thanks Rick!![]()
You weren't supposed to post that, not everyone got invited back
Ooh, ooh, ooh- I GOT ONE TOO!
(Said in my best Steve Martin "The Jerk voice)...
I'm so happy.
(Nice touch, Rick- thanks!)
Not just a thank you note but a truly person note that had a different message than the one posted above.
My wife was very impressed with the note which was very good at freeing up the budget for next year too.
Personalized notes are very rare these days and have almost become a lost art. I wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciated you coming and being a part of such a cool event. Again, you are our ambassadors for this event and I feel like you have a vested interest in it and making it grow. It was worth the time and effort to send them to you all.
Rick Goolsby wrote: Personalized notes are very rare these days and have almost become a lost art. I wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciated you coming and being a part of such a cool event. Again, you are our ambassadors for this event and I feel like you have a vested interest in it and making it grow. It was worth the time and effort to send them to you all.
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