5/18/13 11:52 a.m.
I drove to my parents in my 1991 Miata, and now it won't start. I pulled the battery, and am charging it as I type this. The charger states it was at 90% when I connected it and a DMM said it was at 12.7v. I didn't check it when I was trying to start it.
The starter didn't click while trying to start it. I got a bit of a hum, though.
Did my battery give up the ghost or do I have a bad ground that shifted when I parked it? Maybe the starter is toast?
Luckily, I'm only 5 miles from home...
Always check battery/cables/grounds. Wiggle stuff. Then start tapping starters. Does the rest of the car have power? Does that power go away when you try to crank?
5/18/13 1:12 p.m.
The starter circuit is pretty basic for these cars:
See p. 6
Sometimes the ignition key cylinder gets old and not-worky. I think the search term is "heavy keys syndrome" over on
Other than that, and the above-mentioned stuff, I'd check the big main fuse. I don't imagine the clutch interlock switch going bad.
5/18/13 1:54 p.m.
Finished charging the battery, and re installed it. Same no cranking but with a hum. So we pushed started it, and I drove around awhile. Pulled into the garage, turned it off, and it restarted right away. I'm guessing the starter or possibly the grounding clamp next to the battery since the wires look a bit worn....