I had to double-take when I saw this...I really hope this 320i (?) was rear-ended and this was the only way to salvage it.....
oh, and then I the light turned green and I was about to go, and this guy comes flying through at 150mph....wtf.
(and both of these photos are real)
Oh, so YOU'RE the dope who drove onto the runway!
Watch out next time, because in Capitalist America, (Super) Hornet squashes YOU!
I am trying to understand why there is a vehicle AND equipment that close to the runway. I have never seen that and I was around F18s for 4 years.
In reply to irish44j:
Im gonna be honest, I don't know what an OLS is much like you probably wouldn't know any of the acronyms of the cryogenic equipment I messed with, but if I had to take a stab at it, I would say its for carrier quals?
Edit, I saw the pic after I made the response. lol.
Anti-stance wrote: In reply to irish44j: Im gonna be honest, I don't know what an OLS is much like you probably wouldn't know any of the acronyms of the cryogenic equipment I messed with, but if I had to take a stab at it, I would say its for carrier quals? Edit, I saw the pic after I made the response. lol.
yeah, optical landing system. look at the shield at the top left of the photo....it's all the lights that tell the pilot if he's too high, too low, off line, etc.
here's someone else's pic of one on a carrier
The hornet in the photo is doing pre-deployment quals. We were out there for 10 minutes or so before nobody could hear anything anymore, lol. I"ve spent alot of time around military equipment over the years, but never been nearly that close to aircraft doing touch-and-gos. Was pretty awesome.
I once got to do touch an goes in a C130 thanks to an air force buddy of mine.. I could not imagine what the Hornet sounds and feels like
That Bimmer wrecker is SICK.
I took one look at it and it reminded me of seeing those 80's/90's Toyota 1-ton trucks with the flatbed. Makes me wonder if I could graft an E30 front end onto one of those.
I had an '87 1 ton akin to the above at a landscaping gig after high school. Awesome truck, but it and I both would've really liked more motivation than a tired 22RE.
irish44j wrote: I"ve spent alot of time around military equipment over the years, but never been nearly that close to aircraft doing touch-and-gos. Was pretty awesome.
Wait until you're napping on one of the forward cats and they launch an F14 on the other forward cat because they failed to do walkdown of the flightdeck, or even look forward.
That will wake you up!
curtis73 wrote: I took one look at it and it reminded me of seeing those 80's/90's Toyota 1-ton trucks with the flatbed. Makes me wonder if I could graft an E30 front end onto one of those.
If I remember correctly, that's how the BMW wrecker was built - they grafted on the back end of a 1 ton Toyota truck.
irish44j wrote: The hornet in the photo is doing pre-deployment quals. We were out there for 10 minutes or so before nobody could hear anything anymore, lol. I"ve spent alot of time around military equipment over the years, but never been nearly that close to aircraft doing touch-and-gos. Was pretty awesome.
I was around F18 for most of my time in the Marine Corps but I never had to go on a float. The Navy took care of cryogenic stuff on the boats so we never got attached to flight squadrons, just logistics squadrons. Anywho, our cryo shops were usually on the other side of the base like the ordinance shops but we were still within 300-400 yards of the end of the runway.
Even at that distance, when they would take off you couldn't talk to someone sitting right next to you and if you were outside it would shake your chest. We never walked around with hearing protection. I have a pretty decent case of tinnitus because of this.
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