Go get you 5 gallons of toluene. It's a great octane booster. It made F 1 turbo cars go like hell. They ran a mix of up to 88% toluene.
Is it too late to help?
My .02 is a sneaking suspicion that a lot of advice in this thread is from people who have not physically replaced their own pistons due to detonation damage.
Any turbo motor can survive low octane if you don't go into boost, but that's something i have about zero faith in. Even the strong of will can have a forgetful moment in the span of 300 miles over days and days of short trips.
Anyway, with the addition of the 5gal of 104 octane, i think the car is probably fine to beat on at this point. Crisis averted!
pres589 wrote: There's a lot of words here and I still don't know if the Evo blew up yet.
Keep waiting, it won't be long: because Mitsubishi.
Here's a hilarious anecdote. A couple years ago I was in the local Napa with my son. The had a timing belt mock-up on the wall to show all the parts that should be checked or changed with a T-belt job. My son starts playing with it, and in seconds the belt popped of and landed around his neck. He said Dad, what what happened! I said, don't worry, it must be a Mitsu belt, they just do that.
Next thing, everyone behind the counter bent over laughing thier heads off! It seems the assistant manager's evo7 had just tossed a belt for the second time that morning!
Vigo wrote: My .02 is a sneaking suspicion that a lot of advice in this thread is from people who have not physically replaced their own pistons due to detonation damage.
I have, not from running low octane but from running lean after running a boost controller on my Toyota AllTrac. Run 15psig and bam, there goes the ringlands.
Running 87 will not do any harm to that motor if you dont drive it like a bonehead.
I also drove my SCd S2000 from Florida to california, once you get to Colorado there was no way to find 93 octane anywhere ... that car was tuned at a dyno for 93. I drove it gently and it survived.
BrokenYugo wrote: In reply to keethrax: No idea on unleaded but a Sunoco 110 leaded pump is pretty easy to find. http://www.sunocoracefuels.com/fuel-finder
80 miles from here (@BIR) Used to be one pump locally, but they built a car wash where that pump was and never replaced it.
HappyAndy wrote: Keep waiting, it won't be long: because Mitsubishi.Here's a hilarious anecdote. A couple years ago I was in the local Napa with my son. The had a timing belt mock-up on the wall to show all the parts that should be checked or changed with a T-belt job. My son starts playing with it, and in seconds the belt popped of and landed around his neck. He said Dad, what what happened! I said, don't worry, it must be a Mitsu belt, they just do that. Next thing, everyone behind the counter bent over laughing thier heads off! It seems the assistant manager's evo7 had just tossed a belt for the second time that morning!
The Evo X is far more reliable than the older Evos. Totally different engine that uses a timing chain instead of a timing belt.
DocV wrote: - Evo forum community is split on whether the 2015 factory tune is self-destructive or not. discussions on tuning seem to bring out certain cult-like groupthink behaviors. I am not educated enough on turbocharging to know whether this is legitimate or not. One tuner went so far as to offer a free map for the stock components as a kind of public service to prevent destroyed engines (see here: http://www.evolutionm.net/forums/evo-x-engine-management-tuning-forums/723299-fe-evo-too-lean.html)
For earlier Evo Xs (like my '08) it was the exact opposite issue for engine tuning- the tune was quite rich.
This happened five days ago, I assume the original poster has simply used up that tank of regular by now.
RexSeven wrote: Totally different engine that uses a timing chain instead of a timing belt.
It's my experience in the field that "timing chain" means "engine is going to jump time before a timing belt would have needed replacement".
I've only had one of those ChrylserMitsuHyundai engines open, and the dealer had replaced the timing chain before 60k for some reason. On the flip side, the only reason I had it open is because the zombie who was working at the dealership was not cognizant of the proper way to use silicone sealant, resulting in a major oil leak.
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