Can anyone recommend a decent quality air tank? What size works best for just topping off tires or adjusting pressure. Aluminum or steel? Can pressure be adjusted?
I suppose you could put a air compressor regulator on one. I have one made from a old 20lb propane tank (flood with water to get ALL the propane out) and old junk laying around, works fine for topping off tires.
My dad put a fill valve, relief valve, gauge and air chuck on a 100# propane tank and strapped it into a jogging stroller frame. For taking to the track it's not so great, but for flat tires around the farm it's awesome.
I have an old 40gal aircompressor tank from a cheap husky compressor. The motor died, but the tank works great
How would one go about converting old propane tanks? I have several 20# and a 40# that have the old "no external thread" valves.
Brian wrote: How would one go about converting old propane tanks? I have several 20# and a 40# that have the old "no external thread" valves.
Find an old grill regulator that fits your tank. Take the pipe off the regulator and it will have 1/4" npt threads on the end. You'll also see that it has a small hole for the propane to go through. Drill this out and then replace the regulator with an air chuck. It works great.
It occurred to me after doing some looking on Jegs and Summit Racing that possible one of the 12 volt compressors may be a better solution then an air tank for topping of tires and adjusting pressure. Has anyone used or can recommend a quality 12 volt compressor. not talking about the elcheapo ones for 10 or 12 dollars.
I have one of these for offroading trips, works great (although not super fast on 33s) so far. I've had it for 3 years, I probably use it 10 times/year maybe? But when I do use it I'm inflating 4 33x10.50 tires from 15 PSI to 35 PSI.
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