Ian F
3/11/11 8:07 a.m.
I have to agree with the comments about calling the police, while trying desparately to resist the urge to touch it. Let them retreive it, run a trace on it, and then hopefully it clears and give it back. Then sell it since non-military hand guns have no interest to me.
Ian F wrote:
I have to agree with the comments about calling the police, while trying desparately to resist the urge to touch it. Let them retreive it, run a trace on it, and then hopefully it clears and give it back. Then sell it since non-military hand guns have no interest to me.
There is the winner right there. As an aside and as someone who has been in the military for the last 14 years, anyone who is cleaning a weapon and it goes off does not deserve to keep said weapon.
3/11/11 8:40 a.m.
Conquest351 wrote:
There was a guy here locally who bought an Explorer from a local used car dealer. He decided he wanted to upgrade the radio and speakers. When he pulled the door panel off, he found the door stuffed with bags of weed. Immediately called the cops, they came out and carefully pulled the car apart with the new owner helping. Confiscated over 500 lbs of weed if memory serves. It was stuffed in every crevice and body panel of the car. The guy didn't get in trouble, the dealer kinda did. There was a big news story about it locally. LOL
Somebody testdrove a car that was more than 500 lbs overweight, and bought it anyway?
He didn't think to ask why it drove even more like a barge than normal?
Ian F
3/11/11 9:03 a.m.
Eh... If I test drove an Explorer, I doubt I'd notice if it were 500 lbs overweight.
In high school a friend asked me to go with him on a test drive of an early '80s Malibu in Slower-lower Delaware. I got in the back seat and there was a machete on the floor.
I kept one eye on the owner in the passenger seat and my foot on the machete the whole test drive.
A couple of fun finds: one was a polaroid of a girl sitting on a couch with "summer '96" written on the back. Nearest I can figure it was a visual record of someone's "score." Same car had a "tobacco pipe" cleaning tool. I checked with the previous owner and he said they had been in the car when he bought it so he decided it was only right to pass them along. I threw out the tool, thinking it a risky thing to have in the car in the event of a traffic stop, but left the photo. The next owner after me emailed later to tell me about the picture - coming to the same conclusion I did - and I told her it went with the car. Perhaps it was the car remembering who owned it in summer of 1996?
Another fun find: a hit of ecstasy. No, I did not take it.
A not so fun find: promotional materials for an AIDS drug and a nice Gerber knife. I cleaned the knife, sharpened it, and kept it.
Probably most interesting finds came out of my old Reliant Scimitar GTE. It came with some what looked like to me horse equipment, heavy chains, a neat suction cup mounted electric window defroster and best of all a vintage Fuzz Buster II radar detector. Its from the early 70s and has a differs from the original Fuzzbuster by the addition of K-Band. The oh so fake wood grain finish and over sized amber light give it a nice 70s vibe. According to The Radar Detector Museum it was produced by Electrolert Corporation in Troy, OH, USA.

One of my Lada Nivas had a woman's thong in it along with tons of garage and some low quality hand tools.
Are we having a "what did you find in your car" thread? I love these!
Here's what I found under the hood of a $250 1987 Cougar XR7 I had in high school:
Under the hood...
-metal fork, knife and spoon
-about 75 feet of electrical wire and 3 non-functioning car alarms
-a half dozen oily rags, strewn about everywhere
-old box of Chips Ahoy (back when they came in boxes) folded up and stuffed INSIDE the driver's side headlight
-Aluminum foil everywhere
...And on the inside:
-a bunch of Latin American cassette tapes
-a parenting magazine in Spanish
-at least a whole bag of Skittles melted to the rear floor
-Roach clips, roaches, and a pack of rolling papers under the center console
-a tennis racket bag (but no racket?)
I know there was a lot more, but that's what stands out. That was a long time ago!
The best find I had were all the ladies' earrings I found under the back seat of my Trans Am. People must have been smaller in the early 80's or something. 
3/11/11 6:51 p.m.
The only thing I generally find under the seats is green hairy peanuts. 
only thing of interest I found was a coffee can under the rear seat of my 1990 Cherokee (where the jack goes). The coffee can was completely full of pennies - most of them green and corroded. I took them to the bank one day and cashed out $19.50 or so :)
3/11/11 8:40 p.m.
Ignorant wrote:
I found some little girl's wonder woman underoo's in a friends recent purchase ford fairmont.
Those HAVE to be worth something on Ebay Japan.
my son and I found two unused 45 rounds and a Swat Team Badge in our Impala 9C1 when installing the stereo. Along with a lot of cut wires everywhere
I've found condoms in my car. The P.O. was a married man with a vasectomy...
Not my seat per se.. I saw a Jeep CJ with no top, no doors, and a for sale sign on the busiest corner in town. The back was filled with tools, including a compressor. The drivers seat did have a pistol underneath in fairly plain display. I called the cops to report it. No idea what happened after that.
I found this in the skidplate on my recently acquired Montero. It appears to be made of metal with some kind of white coating. Who know what it is?

Osterkraut wrote:
Javelin wrote:
alex wrote:
Anybody who's glad it "didn't fire when [he] was driving it" doesn't deserve the Glock.
Kind of like saying, "I'm glad my 930 didn't spontaneously back itself into a tree at high speed while I was minding my own business."
Apparently you've never been shot at by a Glock, I have. Stupid ass neighbor was "cleaning" it and it went off and the round came through my apartment and bounced around the cabinet breaking a ton of dishes. Dude claimed he never touched the trigger and the cops believed him. I've heard similar stories from others, shake the f-er juuuuusst right and BLAMMO. I also found it interesting later on in life in the military when Glock's were the only personal firearm not allowed on the range.
I've NEVER heard of a shaken Glock being discharged. And being a bit of a Glock hater, I'd know about that. Glock's strikers aren't under tension until the trigger is pulled. Also have never seen a range with a ban on Glocks. Hell, I mostly see Glocks at ranges!
Now, "Glock Leg" user-error like your stupid ass neighbor had isn't uncommon...
A gem from the Pelican thread:
At the BMW/PCA Instructors clinics a couple weeks ago the CDI for BMW was telling a story of why its a good idea to make a cursory check of the car prior to hitting the track, he said that in one case he was coming into turn two (hard braking) and heard something slide, then hit his foot... reached down and pucked up a gun - he holds the gun and asks the student driver "Is this thing loaded?"
the student reaches under HIS seat and pulls out a second gun and say. "NO, but this one is!"
I love one of the other posts on the Pelican thread (about the safety thing):
"Those things have more safeties than the Green Bay Packers."
I clean cars at a rental car company during the weekends, I never find anything interesting But after buying it I did find a bunch of weed in my 76 Ford Quadravan....

Never did catch the dirty rats who put it there...
A friends 1988 325i came with a rear ashtray full of live 9mm rounds. I believe he still has them in his current car, 3 cars later. Best I have had was a Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch CD in the S4 when I purchased it. Doesn't even have a CD player, but I enjoy Wahlberg's best in the house.
I found an empty tube of KY jelly in a IHC Scout once.
First trip was to the carswash, inside and out.