I need to gain an inch of clearance on my 1.8 Miata swap and after getting the transmission perfectly between the frame rails and the engine basically where I want it (and don't have to cut the firewall or battery box, I am now looking what my options are to gain that last 1/2 to 1 inch of clearance. Basically the very front of the oil pan is sitting on the steering rack. If the oil pan was steel, I would just cut it down on the corner and weld it back in place with a 1 inch lower corner, but the pan is aluminum and I have not pulled it yet to see if this is even possible? Has any one done this before?
It doesn't look like much is going on in the front of the pan (rubber hose end). Looks like you just need to trim/replace/keep straight.
Thanks that is very helpful. I basically want to take the corner off here as below. Was not sure how deep it needs to be out towards the front pulley to clear the oil baffles and crank bearings (not my pan, just grabbed a sample picture from ebay)
That's not going to weld too well (maybe braze, and super clean it ). Cast aluminum, and it's oil impregnated... I'd be looking for a steel alternative
I am thinking the same thing, lot of work to try to weld up the cast aluminum sump for what it is worth. Looks like a steel oil pan from a Mazda 323 or Protege might work as it looks like it will work with 1.6 and 1.8 engines in the BP family. This one is what I am thinking of getting here on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mazda-323-MX-3-Protege-Engine-Oil-Pan-Dorman-B36610400A-/152591669878?fits=Year%3A1994%7CMake%3AMazda%7CModel%3AProtege%7CSubmodel%3ALX%7CEngine+-+Liter_Display%3A1.8L&epid=1332532675&hash=item23872c1a76:g:mPYAAOxy4t1ShjOy&vxp=mtr
Should be easy to modify to meet my needs, can any one confirm that any of the BP 1.8 pans will swap between models?
Some Westfield kit car builders have cut and welded the tall end of the pan. Apparently not a big deal for an appropriately-skilled fabricator.
This is really great to see. I have lowered the engine further and will need to remove some of the corner of the pan to clear the steering rack. Looks like a 1 inch square cut will clear everything. I can buy a 2-1/2 wide Aluminum angle piece that is 3/8th thick and that should be able to be welded into the pan and trimmed to fit to cover my cut and give me the clearance I need. I just need to confirm that the front of the pan has that much clearance from the crank shaft assembly in the front of the engine. I will call a welding shop tomorrow and see if they can do it. Thanks again for passing along the link on the Westfield builders cutting the pans on these engines.
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