While digging around in the Uncle's barn, found a small wooden box that is a complete "Little Giant" tap and die set, in pretty good condition. Hard to tell for sure, but the interwebz suggests it's from the 1930s or 40s. Since I'm trying to help the family sell stuff to pay for elderly care, would love to try to sell this piece to a tool collector or something.
Any thoughts on what it might be worth?
Search Ebay for same or similar sets, I used to move a lot of antique tools there. Sounds like you already started but search antique tool sites also by mfg. brand and tap/ die sets, there can be some serious collectors. Set looks complete and in good condition, naval jelly will remove any minor rust. 30-40's may not be all that rare but you never know.
Good luck.
From the vintage machinery.org site: "Little Giant" was a Greenfield Tap & Die trademark, acquired in their 1912 purchase of Wells Brothers Co. I don't know how long they used that name. A search in the tool sections of the Garage Journal website turned up a couple similar sets, one that was for sale for $150 but then there was another guy who bought a similar set at a swap meet for $15. So, the actual value may be somewhere in the middle, it will depend on you finding the right tool collector.
This guy on the Garage Journal board posted some historical information on the Wells Brothers and Little Giant tools: https://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=344883
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