So I'm doing my first SCCA Solo tomorrow. Aside from a Snell helmet, what do I need to wear? I'm going to assume closed toe footwear is a must, but how about long pants, long sleeves, ect.
And I have wide brimmed hat for the sun.
I don't think long sleeves or long pants are required. I've worn tank tops to autoxes, always wear shorts. Closed toed shoes are a must, maybe some sun screen, cooler with water, and that's the necessities in my book.
Bring water--lots of water. I'll freeze one or two to keep the rest of my cooler cold. I also usually bring an umbrella as I'm either fending off sun or rain. Ditto on the hat and sunscreen, too.
SkinnyG wrote: Going commando is a weight-saver right there.
Too much chaffing, but there is no rule that says you need pants...
I guess it depends on what you are driving. the clothing requirements of a stock civic are vastly different than that of the LeGrande
I think depends are necessary with the Le Grande
+1 on giant hat. I wear jeans and one of those sun shirts like a guy on an African safari would wear.
Well, being that this is autoCROSS, I would assume heels and evening gowns are fine if you're a guy.
I've seen clubs that frown upon red or orange shirts while working the course.
I've talked to many a newbie who regretted wearing a black tee shirt.
A leopard print thong will shave nearly a second from your run. But only if used as directed.
Mid 70's and rain. When I was under the assumption of long pants/sleeves I was planning tan slacks and a plain long sleeve T. I think I should fly the colors and represent GRM with my angry shifter guy shirt
Now to find my wrestling shoes.
Yeah, what's with the stupid hats anyways? As if it isn't humiliating enough getting beat by old fat guys, the hats just add insult to injury. Its kind of like getting dunked on by the Globetrotters guy who wears clown shoes.
Wear good running shoes for chasing cones. I quickly learned driving shoes generally suck for standing around and walking.
If there's a chance of rain, bring a large cooler to keep stuff dry if you don't have a dry box. Bring a change of clothes in case you get wet chasing cones.
I always bring extra clothes, being that I live in Florida, and it's always 1000% humidity, everything tends to be wet after 15 minutes of being outside. Having a fresh change is always nice for the ride home.
The only constant is sunscreen. You get attacked by two suns - the one up in the sky, and the one bouncing up from the pavement - and there is nowhere to hide.
If it's not going to be too terribly hot, I'd wear the lightest long-sleeve shirt and the lightest long pants I could find.
The more experienced the autocrosser, the larger the hat.
Autocross check list.
Sunblock (triple digit SPF)
Backup sunblock (I'm a ginger)
Sunglasses (BRIGHT, you get tired from squinting)
Rain gear (I went to wally world and got a rain suit, jacket + pants, often you cannot use an umbrella while working the course)
Motor Oil (might have to top off, borrowing gets old)
ATF (i have a power steering leak)
Tool set (small socket set, vice grips, etc)
Duct tape
Painters tape (numbering as well as shenanigans)
Air pressure gauge
Comfy shoes
Driving shoes (trust me, 2 pair, lots of time on feet you need separate comfy and driving shoes)
old towel (wipe things on car, wipe yourself off)
paper towels
3-4 large garbage bags, construction grade a plus. (place to stick things for rain and a million other uses)
standard clothes... tee shirt or long sleeve depending on weather and preference. shorts or long pants depending.
Consider a jacket, some mornings are cold early and late season.
water or gatoraide
something to eat (your sugar can get low from being up and moving)
place items you dont wear to the event into box that you can put in/ take out of car easily.. you may not need them all, but at some point you will use them.
What I wear/bring to an autocross:
White/yellow/off white shirt
Gym shoes/running shoes. If you want, a separate pair of shoes for driving.
Water, more water, and more water. As much as you can fit in the spare spots of a Miata.
Floppy hat if you have one, baseball cap if you don't
+eleventy billion for dedicated cone-chasing shoes.
3 year old Puma Speedcats chasing cones is not a great idea.
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