What's everyone's opinions on the best buffer for the buck? Obviously, the ol' staple is a Port Cable 7424 XP, but places like autogeek.net are listing the Meguiars G110v2 for approximately the same price.. Have you guys used either?
I don't have any right now, and with my kids, I just can't wax and maintain manually anymore, it takes too much time :( I miss having presentable cars.
The Horrible Freight one works fine...
Sure the switch sucks, but for $49 w/coupon I can put up with that one complaint.
Is it as excessively loud as all HF crap is? I'd spend the extra money if my limited zen time of working on the cars doesn't make me wear ear plugs..
I had the HF one and have the PC 7424. I love the Porter Cable, the HF was garbage. Never tried the Meguire's.
FWIW, I used to run a detailing business and my 7424 has never let me down or beat me up. I think I've had it 8 years now...
I have this Makita: http://www.amazon.com/Makita-9227CX3-Electronic-Polisher-Sander-Polishing/dp/B0001GUE8Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374266795&sr=8-1&keywords=makita+buffer
It's a beast, I use it on low speed and it still almost tears itself out of my hands. You really have to be careful with it. For years I used a $30 Sears random-orbit thingy. Personally, I think those still have their place, they are pretty idiot-proof and can put a nice shine on already-good paint. But for serious paint revival and buffing, you need something like the Makita/PC, etc.
Can't speak to the HF model, but I have one of their die grinders, and if it was any louder it would make my ears bleed, so I'm sure the buffer is no different.
The HF buffer isn't too bad. Yes it's noisy, but it doesn't turn 14K like a grinder does. It just growls a little. For limited use, a couple of times a year, it's perfect. If you are going to use it more, I'd buy a better one.
What you are wanting is a polisher, not a buffer, right? The best buffer by far is a Dynabrade, but that's a buffer, not a polisher.
I have the porter 7424 XP and it's great. I love it. easy to use, pretty quiet, and has the adjust ability. One of the best DA's I've used in that type of price range.
Bravenrace - What do you consider the difference? Every store online that I've run across lists them as "buffer/polisher." The only thing I'm not 100% on yet is whether I want a DA like the PC 7424, or to pony up the big bucks for a circular one (and risk ruining paint/swirling, I don't think I'd do that, though).. I have a compressor that would spin a Dynabrade, and I can't find a price which generally means I can't afford it..
Javlin & bmw88rider - Thanks for that, Good to know the PC has been good to you :)
Tom - That seems to be about $50 more than the others, and doesn't do as high of speed. I don't know that I need something that rips itself out of my hands, either :)
toyman1 - Eh, SWMBO has approved the purchase of a good one (she scuffed her car up..), so I'm going to roll with it :) Glad to hear the HF isn't horrible, though!
all - So, change it a bit: I have ~200-250 to spend on a package, or the polisher and accessories.. Are there any complete packages you kids recommend (with extra pads, compounds, etc)?
Thanks everyone!
I use meguiars M105 and M205. It will tackle mostly everything with the right pad, from soft Honda paint to hard BMW paint. All this with a PC.
I bought a Hitachi SP18VAH a year ago and use it pretty regularly. It's pretty light and has more than enough power to do what I need. I also purchased some Meguiars M105 and M205 to use with the Chemical Bros. Hex-Logic pads. Now I still have to hand wax after it's all buffed out. So if your just wanting to get something to help with waxing your car, then I'd look for something else.
Torx - That's awesome, that puts a circ in range of the DA.. I'll pick up some M105 & M205. I'm looking for a bit more than waxing, as I will occasionally paint a car, and it would be nice to make it shine, but I don't know if I'll do that enough to justify the danger of using a circ instead of a DA.
Thanks Slippery!
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