Next week I'm picking up a 2007 BMW 525xiA with 140k on it. Currently has no issues other than a small engine oil leak and an inattentive owner. The AWD scares me a little bit. I've read up on actuator issues on some models and it seems like they are DIY repairable.
Anything else with the transmission or AWD system I should be worried about?
I have been shopping them too. The axle boots should be checked as they tend to leak. The turbo models seem to be the ones with fuel pump, turbo and injector issues while the NAs appear to be pretty good.
I've heard there are more annoying things, rather than scary - ie Having to re-code things at the dealer or an indy when you replace the battery, etc. Which is probably not that different than a lot of newer cars on the road. A good friend had a 545 that seemed to eat tires for breakfast lunch and dinner but not sure if that's more common to the RWD models. He also had to have his control arms replaced, which is mentioned in the link below amongst some other usual repais on the E60...
Hope this helps!
The "small" oil leak is most likely your oil pan, which is even more costly to repair on the xDrive. The axle actually passes through the oil pan. So instead on 6-8 hour repair it's a 10-12 hour repair.
If you are lucky, it's just the profile gasket (oil filter housing) leaking. That job is only 3.5 hours book time, but easily done in less than hour and DIYable.
The e60 is just as bad as any other late model BMW. Lots of modules to fail and they all require factory equivalent equipment to code and update the them.
Plan on $2k-$3k per year for maintenance and repairs.
According to redhookfern's link, a 535i has SIX fuel pumps, really? Six? And they are crappy to boot. Hmmm, this makes me rethink my desire for the turbo power.
Can that be right?! 6 Pumps? I do know the 535 (and 335, 135, et al) have a lot of fuel pump issues. I think there even may have been a recall on those models.
In reply to redhookfern:
Yep, the N54 fuel pumps have been recalled in a few waves now.
The N54 does not have 6 fuel pumps. It has one electric fuel pump (low pressure) in the tank and a mechanical fuel pump (high pressure) under the hood.
It does have 6 direct injectors that have a pretty high failure rate though.
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