Well, the daughter cracked the oil pan on the e30 (325es).
Since craigslist is a little short on e30 parts of late, will any of the m50 variant of pans fit?
I thought the block was the same family, and it was the head that changed.
School me, por favor.
There is a 90 5-series in the bone yard, looks like the same pan, too...
I think the e34 pans are what you use to swap an m50 into an e30, but I don't think an m50 pan fits an m20. Maybe?
e36 pans are 'split sump' and do not work with the e30 cross member.
e34 and e30 pans are front sump. That is why it is common to crack them by bottoming out. Also why good pans are not common.
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