of course brown vans aren't as cool as brown porsches...
thats hot? sorry. i think thats hideous. It only looked worse with the tan top and interior, too.
and the Z4 itself isn't helping any.
andrave wrote: thats hot? sorry. i think thats hideous. It only looked worse with the tan top and interior, too.
andrave wrote: and the Z4 itself isn't helping any.
Well, yeah.
Boy I must have oddball tastes, even among us!
I love that Bugatti sedan, the Panamera, the Urban Green Z4, poop brown 911s, Daytona Violet M3s, emergency orange Land Rovers... At least I know I'm not the only one who likes Nitro Yellow Green Neons!
No brown for me!
We have a guy in our sports car club that has owned a brown TR6 from new. He gets teased incessantly about driving a turd. Only brown thing I've driven is a company pickup, Ford F-150. Biggest POS I've ever driven. Would only burn Amoco high test without knocking and had a 302.
I have a thing for the bright orange and green Porsche GT3 RS. One of the few cars that can pull off such odd ball colors.
I saw a green GT3 RS on sunday...Now that is a car that would look hawt in dark brown...make the GT3 decals orange...mmmmm
81gtv6 wrote: I have a thing for the bright orange and green Porsche GT3 RS. One of the few cars that can pull off such odd ball colors.
The orange and green GT3 RS is to die for. It is nothing like a brown car. And Lambo's, Porsche, Lotus and other high end sportscars look best in those colors. People who order them in white, black and especially silver should be publicly flogged.
Rusnak_322 wrote: People who order them in white, black and especially silver should be publicly flogged.
I disagree. I drive a very un-exotic, 12-year-old, bright-red Porsche Boxster and the one thing I really dislike about it is all of the attention it draws. Everywhere I go it seems someone has a comment or somebody points at it. I'm sure this is because of the color.
Some people really just want to buy/own/drive cars like the GT3 (or even a Boxster) because they like how it drives and really just don't want to be looked at all the time. If I were to buy a $100K + GT3, I would get it in either black or Porsche's new "Cappuccino" brown.
M030 wrote: Some people really just want to buy/own/drive cars like the GT3 (or even a Boxster) because they like how it drives and really just don't want to be looked at all the time.
There's much to be said about flying under the radar.
Woody wrote:M030 wrote: Some people really just want to buy/own/drive cars like the GT3 (or even a Boxster) because they like how it drives and really just don't want to be looked at all the time.There's much to be said about flying under the radar.
Even flat black will not allow a lambo to blend in traffic.
M030 wrote: Some stuff and then... "I would get it in either black or Porsche's new "Cappuccino" brown."
Do you have pictures of said cappuccino brown? I'm shopping for browns for my truck, and my favorite '70s Porsche shades might be a little too 'bright' for the application.
(Yes, I'm reviving this thread for the sake of a particular shade of brown. I'm weird. Leave me alone.)
The 1990 Honda Accord came in a color that was officially called Cappuccino Brown.
Not that nice, as I recall.
I know of the Honda color. Nothing like the Porsche color.
Since I still can't figure out how to post pictures...
09 Porsche Cappuccino brown: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3659/3317781499_efd728a91c.jpg
Not the same as 08 Porsche Macadamia brown:
M030 wrote: I know of the Honda color. Nothing like the Porsche color. Since I still can't figure out how to post pictures... 09 Porsche Cappuccino brown: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3659/3317781499_efd728a91c.jpg Not the same as 08 Porsche Macadamia brown: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://gtcarlot.com/gallery/2354553-640.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gtcarlot.com/car/2349119&usg=__RZRVTnDEmzODT7zPdClZcD-rusk=&h=480&w=640&sz=73&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=NuVKW-n5vKQo4M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbrown%2Bporsche%2Bturbo%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18
The pictures thing is easy. When you make a post, above the text box there is a little camera that looks like this. Click on that. When you do, you get a box with a space for a URL. Enter the image URL (not the webpage, the image), click ok, and thats it.
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