Buying a new house, should close on Dec 9th.
So, I have to shop for HOI. Anyone recommend a good/cheap company? I got a quote from the "recommended" Liberty Mutual provider that my agent likes and it seems a bit high. I contacted Geico (my current vehicle provider) and they don't have any sub-writers that cover Pittsburgh.
Can y'all give me some feedback on ones you've used?
I went through an insurance agent to compete costs across lots of companies, ended up with Travelers, couldn't be happier, took care of my roof when the tree smacked it, no complaints...
I went with state farm. But your auto insurance might give you a good rate if they offer it. They have bundle packages available.
I checked with progressive, because we have them for auto. But our real estate agent had a broker that shopped around for us, we got a cheaper quote from travelers that we went with. Haven't had to make a claim yet but nice to know others have had good experiences.
In reply to curtis73:
Try to find a good independent agent. He will shop the market and find the best deal for you. There is no one company that is best for everyone. But there is one that is best for your situation.
By the way, the best deal can change from year to year. A good agent will review your insurance needs every year. We have been with our current agent for 5 years and he has recommended we change insurance companies three times. You can get some good deals if you bundle your home and auto insurance.
Our previous agent was little more than a leach.
Look at your deductible. I bumped into $2500 and it knocked my insurance down to something like $754 a year.
I look at it as catastrophe (house burns to the ground) insurance.
Ohya look at flood insurance. It is cheep and even if you are not in a flood plain it is well worth the $$$$.
pres589 wrote: Move this to Off-Topic.
I know, right? What kind of douchebag posts insurance questions in this forum?
.... oh yeah, I'm the douchebag. I just had a brain cramp. Mods are more than welcome to move it.
I've got the house and cars with Encompass. I've put in claims for both without issue. They were also the lowest quote we got from our agent.
Ok... My experience with insurance companies is that of a roofers.. As in I am always looking and trying to get insurance companies to buy hail damaged roofs...
Some of the companies people have mentioned which have great rates... They are also very likely to be the only house on a block who might not have their roof replaced after a hail storm.
So just please be aware that your low monthly rate may not save you money in the long run if you live in a storm prone area..
I have had some issues with Amfam... But by and large they are great... State farm in my area treats their customers very well... USAA is fantastic... and oddly most of the smaller outfits or less prevalent companies are typically great to deal with after a major event. These companies are more likely to hire independent adjusters instead of having their own staff adjusters... And more often than not this works in the favor of the homeowner.
Just be aware that you are insuring your home... and you should consider more than just monthly cost... That should be one of your last questions.. Not the first.
In reply to curtis73:
I'm not upset about this, just trying to help the mods a little, if it stays here it's not like the world ends.
pres589 wrote: In reply to curtis73: I'm not upset about this, just trying to help the mods a little, if it stays here it's not like the world ends.
What if it does?
I know you weren't upset. I was just comically agreeing.
The house is a small 3/2 with one acre in Penn Hills (near Pittsburgh). We're under contract at $51,900 but the inspections suggest that we might have a little knocked off that. We do have 5 pets, so that might increase things a bit. Replacement cost they calculated at $132k
Anyway... I got a quote from Liberty Mutual for $549 for 1000 deductible and $599 for 500 deductible. That seemed high but it did have some perks.
Think and Grow Rich?
Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act.
It's still November, isn't it?
How did I miss this thread the first go-round? I enthusiastically recommend Erie Insurance.
curtis73 wrote: Anyway... I got a quote from Liberty Mutual for $549 for 1000 deductible and $599 for 500 deductible. That seemed high but it did have some perks.
Yay, for Oklahoma's severe weather. This year our premium on a 1200 sq ft, $100k house is just over $800/year.
State Farm is who I have the house, 3 cars, and a personal articles policy through. Great price compared to elsewhere.
I always giggle when I see the ads on TV "You could save $400/year by switching to XXXX company" If I saved $400/year on my truck insurance, I'd be paying $200/year total for full coverage.
It doesn't matter how cheap it is if the company won't pay out. Don't have a clue how to find out about that. I've seen various insurance ratings, and they all come in about the same. Equally blog postings where people rant, again they all come in about the same. From my car and motorcycle ownership experience, much depends on the individual adjuster. I rather expect home claims processing is the same.
Dealing with an old house myself, I discovered lots of glitches that prevented most carriers from covering my property. My supposedly fire prone metal roof for example. I would suggest start shopping now to learn what the glitches of the day are that will screw you up on your property.
Currently I happen to have house and cars under Liberty. Never filed a claim with them, no experience with that. From the buyer prospective, they were fine. Their rate was one of the lowest, and they have been friendly and helpful over the phone.
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