I have a set of fugly Saturn wheels on my VW. All Saturn S-series cars with alloy wheels were 15", 4x100.
Just for reference. ZX2s are also 15" 4x100. However they are 54mm bore just like Miata. VWs are 57mm bore, so my ZX2 swirlies would not fit. Thus the purchase of the fugly Saturn wheels, since Saturn are also 57mm.
Nissan are 59mm. Nothing fits Nissan but Nissan. Of course, the Nissans that had 4x100 were also generally only available with 13" and maaaybe 14" wheels.
If they were blood types, Nissan is Type O and Mazda is Type AB.
10/27/12 2:31 a.m.
In reply to rob_lewis:
Be advised that some MINI wheels clear the calipers and others don't. These are the MINI wheels that I have on my xB
New Reader
10/27/12 3:07 p.m.
In reply to old_:
4 bolt VW's (Golf, Jetta, Passat) are all 100 with a 34-40 offset depending on width, but most your find are probably 14". Watch the BMW wheels as they usually have a low offset and the tires may not clear your fenders.
I have a set off my xB that I could probably be talked out of. They have a small dimple on a couple of them (hard to explain) in the hub area but mount and roll out fine. I also have a ton of xA body and interior parts from one I stripped for parts if you need any of that. The wheels are at my place, but everything else is in SE SD and you could easily swing up and pick them up. Drop me a line if you're interested.
DrBoost wrote:
Irish1 wrote:
Baloney. The 88-91 BMW E30 325iX AWD coupes and sedans used a 15X7 4X100 BMW/BBS Euroweave with a 41 mm offset and a 57.1 hub center. Lots of the E30 boys are using these with 15 mm adaptors in lieu of the expensive 15X7 Euroweaves. Great wheels, light and strong. Occasionally you'll run across a 325iX with steelies in the same offsets in a junkyard, but most were up-optioned with the BBS wheels. Craigslist Seattle and the PNW and you'll find some.
DrBoost wrote:
According to logdog, there are no 15" wheels with a 4X100 pattern. He kept trying to push 16's, 4X110's and motorcycle wheels when I was asking him to find some for me.
He'll read this and realize how wrong he was. Thanks.
Your memory is fading. There are no such things as 14 inch 4x100 wheels. At least when I need some cheap and fast anyway.
10/27/12 6:25 p.m.
Um pretty sure my stock daisies on my miata are 4x100 14" wheels? 14x6
14" 4x100. MK1 MR2, AE92.
I think you guys over looked the second part of my statement. They dont exist when I need some cheap and fast.
For example...
10/27/12 10:23 p.m.
Ah I just threw away some 14" steelies for a miata 2 months ago
New Reader
10/28/12 1:10 a.m.
Your research skills are poor. ALL the E30 BMWs had 14 inch 4X100 wheels stock in either Bottlecap, BBS/BMW Sport, or Steelies with 24-26 offset except the 325iX AWD E30s, which were 15X7 4X100 with 41 mm offset. The 14 inch wheels are available cheap on all the BMW E30 forums Classifieds. The AWD 325iX 15 inch wheels with the larger offset are more appropriate to FWD use. Check your facts before you contradict.
In reply to logdog:
Irish1 wrote:
Your research skills are poor.
Yes they are. Thats why I used this forum, a local VW forum, Craiglist and even Doc Boost to try and find a set of 14 inch steelies when I needed them quick and didnt want to to pay the local junkyard 25 bucks each.
Irish1 wrote:
Check your facts before you contradict.
Will do. But you should also check a couple responses above that clarify the (admittedly lame) joke.
Between the Civic and Jetta there are 15 14 inch 4x100 wheels at my house. So I understand they physically exist.
10/28/12 8:34 a.m.
Wow, sorry for what I started. It appears I made logdog appear even more of a doofus than he really is (and he really is a doofus )
Quite some time ago he was looking for some 15" 4X100 steelies and asked me to look. In the beginning I forgot what size he was looking for so I was sending links to every size BUT what he wanted. He ripped on me for a few days over that so I posted that comment to get him back. He knows they exist, but he also thinks that the cold air intake FAIL is a good idea
All that being said, we couldn't find a set of 15" 4X100 steelies within like 100 miles from his house.
10/28/12 8:42 a.m.
Pre '85 K based fwd mopars were 4x100 as are were non turbo L bodies (Omni, Horizon, Charger, Rampage, etc.)
logdog wrote:
Yes they are. Thats why I used this forum, a local VW forum, Craiglist and even Doc Boost to try and find a set of 14 inch steelies when I needed them quick and didnt want to to pay the local junkyard 25 bucks each.
Sucks how that works, doesn't it? A while ago I was hunting for 4x4.5" 15" wheels and could find nothing but 14". Then I badly needed some 14" and everything was 15" and up.
Last used wheel we got from a JY was $50. They see what Blackburn's charges for a new one and knock off 10%. They do similar crap with other things too. When someone on another forum mentioned picking up Bosch fuel pumps for $8 a piece, I asked him to grab me a couple, since those are $75-100 items here.