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96DXCivic Dork
6/1/10 2:12 p.m.

Who is this guy? He should go die in a fire.


jlm_photo New Reader
6/1/10 2:21 p.m.

You see Al Gore's wife is leaving him...guess she found out Global Warming is fake and he is a scam artist. These people are true nut jobs.

914Driver SuperDork
6/1/10 2:21 p.m.

Editor said:

At the risk of being tossed out of the sports fraternity -- Who am I kidding? I was tossed out years ago; why do you think I sit at home alone watching the passing parade? -- let me suggest that, rather than continuing to be obsessed with "higher, faster, stronger," we set our sights on smarter, kinder, better. (I often look back on thriving ancient civilizations as a guidepost to proper living. And in 4th century B.C. China, you never heard. "Gentlemen, start your rickshaws.") NASCAR has the carbon footprint of a brontosaurus.

I'm not pro-NASCAR, but obviously sitting in your Mom's basement in your underwear banging out drivel isn't getting it for ya.

Good luck with your next career.

oldsaw Dork
6/1/10 2:26 p.m.
96DXCivic wrote: Who is this guy? He should go die in a fire. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/30/AR2010053003464.html

He's a guy who writes this in his diatribe - "Besides, I think everyone should walk to work. "

He's a guy who hosts a column titled "Ask the Slouch".

He's a guy who likes to refer to his "failed marriages".

He's a guy with an agenda and is too lazy to even research "environmentally-friendly" series and offer congrats to the ALMS' efforts to promote "green racing".

In other words, he pretty typical of anyone with a keyboard and a closed mind.

Kia_racer HalfDork
6/1/10 2:34 p.m.

"NASCAR cars average about five miles per gallon. Even an armored Humvee gets eight on the highways. (To really waste fuel, why don't we race airplanes?)" quoted from the article.

Does this guy really think before he types? Maybe he doesn't know about airplane racing and the Gee Bee's or unlimited hydroplane boats like Miss Budweiser.

I will defend his right under the Constitution to say what he wants because it is covered under the first amendment. However, it does not change the fact that he is an IDIOT.

klipless Reader
6/1/10 2:36 p.m.

As a general rule of thumb, I never trust anyone with two first names.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/1/10 2:39 p.m.

While we're at it, let's ban all stick and ball sports, too. What do you think it costs to move all those major league baseball teams around the country for an entire season? Even better, let's all sit in our basements where our only social contact comes via the interweb. Hey, I can stop shaving.

rickybobby New Reader
6/1/10 2:39 p.m.

Norman Chad is a dumbass.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/1/10 2:41 p.m.

Wait, sitting on the internet consumes massive amounts of electricity! This guy should not be able to use any consumables and remove himself completely from the grid. Think of all the methane that was produced by the cows and pigs that were slaughtered to make his Baconator!

The horror!

oldtin Reader
6/1/10 2:43 p.m.

Luddite moron...

oh, 4th century thriving civilizations: china was littered with warring factions - the century's big invention - trigger pull crossbow; persia gets conquered by alexander the great (pretty sure that was a peaceful process); romans conquer some more stuff; aztecs and mayans were eating the hearts out of their competitors - literally; socrates is executed... If they had been invented by then (1800s AD), rickshaw races would have probably been a welcome distraction.

teamdixonracing Dork
6/1/10 2:44 p.m.

That was actually pretty funny.

Kia_racer HalfDork
6/1/10 2:45 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: Hey, I can stop shaving.

I did and my water bill went way down.

wait . . . maybe this is why I can't get a job. Dang, back to shaving.E36 M3!

spitfirebill Dork
6/1/10 2:51 p.m.

And to think the Washington Post was the paper that broke the whole Nixon-Wategate thing. They surely have fallen a long way. But he is a spurts writer and not a reporter.

kreb GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/1/10 3:18 p.m.
jlm_photo wrote: You see Al Gore's wife is leaving him...guess she found out Global Warming is fake and he is a scam artist. These people are true nut jobs.

Regardless of whether your statements are right or wrong, taking the opportunity to go on your little political tangent is an asshat move. Let's keep it to cars.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/1/10 3:19 p.m.

How about all the fuel used for all the fans to get to all the events (base ball, football, NASCAR, F1 etc..... So the sports that have the smallest attendance should theoretically be the greenest.

"Everyone loves Green until they see what it is going to cost them" From another architect I work with. Never truer words have been spoken. Also have you never noticed that everyone wants the other guy to be green. Ohya and just wait till you find out what green is costing you in tax's. There is some really scary proposals to change the building code. How about a nationalized building code controlled from Washington. Think of the "green possibilities" if that takes hold.

Man do I digress.

Carry on.. . . .

jlm_photo New Reader
6/1/10 3:42 p.m.
kreb wrote: Regardless of whether your statements are right or wrong, taking the opportunity to go on your little political tangent is an asshat move. Let's keep it to cars.

Sorry to have offended you but I can't think of a person who is having or going to have a bigger impact on the way we operate our automobiles than Al Gore.

shadetree30 New Reader
6/1/10 3:46 p.m.

"...Surely, the unruly behavior on the track translates to more aggressive driving on the roads. We're an imitative culture. Heck, if Danica Patrick started applying makeup on Turn 4 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday, there'd be a Revlon revolution on our interstates by Monday. ..."

I'm considering taking up a collection for a DP excursion to Washington so she can kick his ass...

Besides that, I guess he never investigated the fuel that Indy cars use...

JFX001 Dork
6/1/10 4:03 p.m.


Wiki bio does not mention him lettering in "Audio/Visual Squad".

96DXCivic Dork
6/1/10 4:10 p.m.

It is depressing when news sources like the Washington post print this E36 M3. And they wonder why print news is failing.

kreb GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/1/10 4:35 p.m.

Well it is an opinion piece as opposed to "hard news". A columnist has to pontificate constantly, and even the best whiff occasionally. That said, this goes beyond mere whiffing.

Ironically, track time has the opposite effect on me from the "crazed driver" stereotype. After a day at Sears, T-hill or Laguna, I drive like an old lady on the street. There's something to be said for getting one's agression out under controlled conditions.

jlm_photo New Reader
6/1/10 4:39 p.m.

And the funny thing is, even with all the racing in the world it isn't a drop in the bucket compaired to one day of rush hour in a major city.

Woody GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/1/10 4:42 p.m.

Racing probably saves fuel. Think of all the spectators who are not driving for the duration of the event.

minimac SuperDork
6/1/10 5:32 p.m.

The Romans used to throw Christians to the lions.....now there's real sport. No carbon footprint and environmentally friendly.

novaderrik Reader
6/1/10 7:48 p.m.

i'm pretty sure there were probably rickshaw races. mankind has a way of making everything into a racing event.

924guy Dork
6/1/10 8:22 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: .... Even better, let's all sit in our basements where our only social contact comes via the interweb. Hey, I can stop shaving.

er, okay... but WAIT!!!, i dont have a basement, im screwed...

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