I am prepping to get my racing license with SCCA this year, and noticed the medical form called out a Color Vision test.
I am red/green color blind and will fail the Ishihara Test, but know I can pass a Vivid Red/Green test and can see traffic signals. I also know I can see the flagtronics unit screen and see red and green.
Is anyone else color deficient and had issues with obtaining a road racing license? What process did you go through?
I emailed SCCA direct and am waiting for a response.
(btw I have no idea if the pic below shows a number or words or anything...sorry if it's vulgar, they do that sometimes)
No experience here, but hardest case examples to flush out a diagnosis shouldn't matter. The only thing a racing org should care about is if they hold up a flag with no others next to it for reference, can you identify the color. If yes, you're good.
FWIW: If you need to have a color test, see if you can pass using a Farnsworth lantern test and if it is acceptable. I saw guys asking for it during USCG licensing.
I'm also red/green colorblind. I just got my SCCA novice permit last weekend. You'll probably be fine (though we all vary on our level of deficiency). Ask them to show you the flags themselves. If you can differentiate the actual flags, then why shouldn't you be able to race? I'm not the guy deciding it, so it's up to them, but I can't see why you'd have a problem if you can demonstrate that you can function.
Anecdote: when they did the flag test for me 10 years ago, they did it on a projector screen. I had trouble distinguishing the red and green on that test, particularly because it was being given on a projector. So, they showed me the actual flags later. "That's red, that's yellow, that's blue, that's green...". OK, no problem. Last weekend, when I redid my school (permit lapsed years ago) we did the exact same test, but on an LCD TV. I had no issue there, nor did I have any issues seeing the numerous red flags we had over the weekend.
Oh, and maybe ask your doctor to go through the flags with you. He or she can write a note on the medical form that might be helpful. "Demonstrated proficiency in distinguishing relevant colors" or something can help, though it might not be necessary.
I'm confident I can pass a test looking at the actual flags, so asking for that would be a plus.
I looked up some lantern tests on my phone and surprisingly I have trouble with green and yellow but not red on that. I think the screen and how it's presented definitely have an effect. But I also looked at an official SCCA flagtronics video and could see the colors fine in that.
All super helpful suggestions so thank you!
Central FL region has a school at Sebring in May (Memorial Day weekend) so that's my target.
No info on the color vision test stuff, but my understanding is that SCCA is currently only using the flagtronics system at Super Tour events and the runoffs. SCCA tends to be slow in adopting new tech in cars (they didn't even start requiring cameras until a year or two ago) so I expect it will be a while before we see it in common use at regional events.
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