10/28/16 9:45 p.m.
Annie and I are drinking wine poolside at the Calla Lily hotel in Palm Springs Calla Lily. Tomorrow I'll go to the Palm Springs Air Museum car show featuring a lot of vintage Packards. I guess all Packards are vintage now. Palm Springs Air Museum
Remove window ac.
Rake leaves.
Work on fan control on the truck.
All this was the plan untill my son dropped a gallon of milk and it exploded on the floor. The seam on the plastic gallon just un zipped and burst open. I have a newly installed floating floor where this happened and about half of it went under the floor. So today has been taking about half the floor up in my family room to get all the milk up. Hope to finish by tonight.
Takin the girls out to AMP for Chump tomorrow 
Laying on the couch surfing youtube and the forums while hating myself for skipping out on all the things I need to do like cleaning the garage, laundry and other stuff.
Worked 6 hours,Finally cleaned out enough garage space to get my car put away. Now im taking my 8 year olds trick or treating. tomorrow im hoping to sit on my ass and watch some nfl games!
70* day in Michigan, so I do my fall oil changes, then watch Michigan womp Michigan State.
chandlerGTi wrote:
Fix broken axle in truck, requires new ujoint, ball joints, spindle bearings, disconnect seal, hub bearing and disconnect axle. In the driveway. On jack stands. I've got my work cut Out for me.
Holy cow, I'm done with all of that already. Gotta run into town and get a caliper since the old one is frozen and me rebuilding it is more than buying a reman.
I'm going to check out a vehicle for another GRMer tomorrow, but that's probably as much as I should say about it.
10/29/16 6:05 p.m.
Went out and played in the mud today. Lots of fun! Going to Cars & Coffee tomorrow morning and I'm too tired to clean it up. Not sure what kind of reception I will get.

Taking in my first Rally at the Empire State Performance Rally with Bobofthefuture, NickD and Chris Greenhouse. I helped out a bit Friday, had to go to work today and am going back up there tomorrow. Bob is driving his Jetta, Chris is co-driving, Nick is servicing the car and I provide comic relief.
Sitting around the house with the beginnings of a sore throat, trying to convince myself to start cheering for the Indians. 7-1 now...
Got a fair amount done this weekend: removed window AC, drilled, dipped and installed sideskirts on the FD, intalled a new shifter boot, got my bathroom, porch, garden, driveway, and sidewalk dug up, did the usual weekend chores, and played some Battlefield 1. Also the weather was great all weekend for being outside!

Fixed my trailer, trying to talk myself into driving 45 miles to look at a car
Got the title to the new to me sierra Denali so time to get going with the resurrection. First order of business to drain the overfilled oil.
22 quarts came out of it.
. It all looked brand new. (substantiates the story that the oil change place over filled it) So I ran it all through cheese cloth on a screen set in a large funnel and put 6 plus quarts back in. I also put five gallons of 93 in the tank to mix with the little bit of old fuel that was in it ( less than an eighth of a tank)
Topped up all the other fluids as needed and fired it up. Ran perfect and no sign of any leaks. I am very pleased.
dean1484 wrote:
Got the title to the new to me sierra Denali so time to get going with the resurrection. First order of business to drain the overfilled oil.
22 quarts came out of it.
. It all looked brand new. (substantiates the story that the oil change place over filled it)
5.5 quarts, 5.5 gallons, it's all the same.
For those that don't know the back story I got the truck because it was leaking oil really badly. I wonder why. 
I wonder if the person that filled it used one of those pump things that work on air pressure. I think they have both gallons and quarts on them.
With motor oil prices being what they are these days, that's a costly mistake to make.
I put the snow tires and the plow frame back on the truck (we've already had snow), put mousetraps in the barn and garage (caught two the first night), watched some U9 soccer, cleared the leaves off the lawn with the new leaf blower and washed the dog.
Tomorrow it's back to work, which will be dangerous. Not because of the inherent nature of my job but because last time I was there, a coworker said, "Hey Woody, do you know anybody who's looking for a Miata?".
So I will probably be buying another Miata when I get there...
Yesterday I had the minions clean cars and take leaves before the parade, properly motivated they even enjoyed themselves.
Today I took the whole herd hiking at a local nature preserve and we even did a bit of rock scrambling up a dry creek bed. 80 degrees and dry at the end of October is WEIRD! Then made chili dogs with slaw for a late lunch 
Good weekend, there should be more like it.
When I was draining the oil I used the drain pan that I usually catch antifreeze in. One of those round plastic things that are about two feet in diameter and 6 inches tall that have a spout on it. I filled to to the top. I was worried I was going to overflow. I had a hell of a time sliding the pan out when it was done trying not to spill it. Just one of those scratch your head moments. Very stoked now that it seems to be running right. But there is now a big list of little things to get after. The next I to sort out the fan blower motor and the fuse box full of mouse gunk. I think the two are related.
dean1484 wrote:
Remove window ac.
Rake leaves.
Work on fan control on the truck.
All this was the plan untill my son dropped a gallon of milk and it exploded on the floor. The seam on the plastic gallon just un zipped and burst open. I have a newly installed floating floor where this happened and about half of it went under the floor. So today has been taking about half the floor up in my family room to get all the milk up. Hope to finish by tonight.
Best argument I've ever heard against installing laminate floor. Shudder....
patgizz wrote:
Fixed my trailer, trying to talk myself into driving 45 miles to look at a car
Seller fixed that for me. Called on a 96 Fleetwood Brougham and it was actually a 93, misadvertised as a 96. Nope.
Re-posted from the Halloween thread
My Miata at Trunk or Treat, last night