This is amazing on so many levels
Metalwork at its finest.
Why do skilled people like this guy spend years fabricating an imitation of a car when they could just as easily make a car of their own design and put their name on it?
Because knowing what to build can be as hard or harder than knowing how to build it :) Some people like fabricating more than they like engineering.
Not what I expected from the thread title but oh so much better. Is his version lower than the original? Looks like it to me but I'm no Lambo expert.
Makes you wonder what his neighbors thought when the excavators showed up, started digging, and then that thing popped out of the ground all finished and ready to go. Amazing.
Very awesome Just too bad he didn't use a BMW V12, it would have been a closer match to the original engine.
stuart in mn wrote: Makes you wonder what his neighbors thought when the excavators showed up, started digging, and then that thing popped out of the ground all finished and ready to go. Amazing.
Amazing indeed.
I wonder if his wife said, "Dear... since the excavation is done, how about that addition now? Since I've put up with you building a car in the basement for the past decade... "
Ian F wrote:stuart in mn wrote: Makes you wonder what his neighbors thought when the excavators showed up, started digging, and then that thing popped out of the ground all finished and ready to go. Amazing.Amazing indeed. I wonder if his wife said, "Dear... since the excavation is done, how about that addition now? Since I've put up with you building a car in the basement for the past decade..."
I think it's safe to say he isn't married.
jezeus wrote: Why do skilled people like this guy spend years fabricating an imitation of a car when they could just as easily make a car of their own design and put their name on it?
...because odds are extremely good that it won't be as good a design as the Countach.
Plenty of kit-car supercars out there--few stir the soul like a Countach does.
stuart in mn wrote: Makes you wonder what his neighbors thought when the excavators showed up, started digging, and then that thing popped out of the ground all finished and ready to go. Amazing.
"Frank, he sure is spending a lot of time in his basement. I wonder what he's doing in there."
"Stop worrying, Francine."
"Well, Frank: what if he's running a whorehouse down there? We have a right to know what everyone in our neighborhood is up to!"
"Francine, stop spying on our neighbors!"
"Alright. I'm making pot roast for din - oh my gosh. It's a car! And it's coming through his basement wall!"
"Francine, you're imagining things. Oh, it is a car. I'll be back at 6. Make sure you take care of the property tax check, we don't want to be filed on again. Is that a Lamborghini?"
"Frank, where did you put the check book?"
"It's on the table."
"I don't see it!"
"Oh, that's right. Check my desk drawer."
"I found it. Have fun with the neighbor's car."
"I'll see you in an hour. Pot roast sounds good! And don't forget to put that check in the mailbox!"
"I'll do it right now! Do we have any stamps?"
"They are in the second drawer down."
"Oh, I see them. We only have a few left. I'll pick some up at the post office tomorrow."
"OK, see you at 6:00!"
That's an interesting peek into your psyche :)
As for the guy not being married - depends on who he might be married to. I was building my Locost when I met my wife. She put up with the build of the Targa car, and now she's telling me that her MGB GT needs to be a big project instead of a simple engine swap. I'm pretty sure that if I told her I wanted to fabricate a Countach she'd be supportive, mostly because I always need something to do or I'll go nuts.
Keith wrote: That's an interesting peek into your psyche :) As for the guy not being married - depends on who he might be married to. I was building my Locost when I met my wife. She put up with the build of the Targa car, and now she's telling me that her MGB GT needs to be a big project instead of a simple engine swap. I'm pretty sure that if I told her I wanted to fabricate a Countach she'd be supportive, mostly because I always need something to do or I'll go nuts.
Exactly! Jamie wanted a Miata of her own if we were going to get married, and now shes bugging me to build a tear drop camper to pull behind it. She keeps me on task with these things alot better than I do. I get side tracked VERY easily!
jezeus wrote: Why do skilled people like this guy spend years fabricating an imitation of a car when they could just as easily make a car of their own design and put their name on it?
Same reason people build large scale models of exotic cars and vintage race cars. 1) because they can, and 2) because that's what they are interested in.
gamby wrote: Plenty of kit-car supercars out there--few stir the soul like a Countach does.
Exactly. the countach is still #1 on my lotto car list
A Countach showed up at the FM Open House this year. It actually got a standing ovation when he pulled up at the Sonic. Every guy loved it, none of the girls understood at all.
Guys like that make me feel so ashamed of myself. I wish I had some of his motivation and fabrication skills.
Keith wrote: A Countach showed up at the FM Open House this year. It actually got a standing ovation when he pulled up at the Sonic. Every guy loved it, none of the girls understood at all.
That's awesome. As for women not getting it, that's because the Countach is the automotive equivalent of a REALLY hot pornstar. I'll let that analogy spell itself out on its own.
jezeus wrote: Why do skilled people like this guy spend years fabricating an imitation of a car when they could just as easily make a car of their own design and put their name on it?
A further meditation on this question:
In terms of reactions I'd prefer to elicit:
"WTF is that? Some sort of kit car?"
"Holy E36 M3! A Countach!!!"
gamby wrote:Keith wrote: A Countach showed up at the FM Open House this year. It actually got a standing ovation when he pulled up at the Sonic. Every guy loved it, none of the girls understood at all.That's awesome. As for women not getting it, that's because the Countach is the automotive equivalent of a REALLY hot pornstar. I'll let that analogy spell itself out on its own.![]()
How about the black countach and the 2 women driving it in cannonball run... plus the female cop...
James May drove a countach on Top gear since it was his high school fantasy car, like many of us.
He found it extremely dissapointing, as he said often meeting your idol leaves you dissappointed as they don't live up to your expectations.
I like many others in High school had the poster with the black lambo from the Alpine ads on my wall since I liked the car too, but after seeing May drive one around and all the crap you have to put up with as a DD (or even a reasonable street car) I don't think that the countach would be one I would buy if I hit the Mega millions.
I would rent one for a day or two of fantasy fufillment, but for a keeper, I'd look elsewhere.
My question is, did the guy originally think that he would never finish the project? I mean wouldn't it have been easier to build a proper garage first to build it in???
I want to know how he managed to spray that thing without killing everyone in the house. Way back in the day, I primed an MG midget in the basement of my parent's house. When Mom got home, she went pretty well ballistic. Who know that central air and paint fumes were a bad idea? It's not like todays paint wih all the good isocyanates and all. It could have been worse, it could have been winter with the furnace running!
Women DO NOT have a sensor of humour about these things.
My question is, did the guy originally think that he would never finish the project? I mean wouldn't it have been easier to build a proper garage first to build it in???
maybe he was in his "garage," and just needed an excuse to build a door..
Man, this guy has fantastic fabrication skills.
The Countach and its competitor the Testarossa have never been on my favorites list. Too boxy and too many kinda silly looking scoops.
The Lambo that really got my attention is the Miura. That thing is GORGEOUS and is most definitely on my Lotto list along with the Ferrari 250 GTO.
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