I had an idea this evening, let's see what you guys think.
Backstory: I got a second set of wheels for my car (87 BMW e28) and with them I also got a pair of wheels thinking I could replace my full size spare. Unfortunately the extra pair only fits the rear.
I'm thinking since the car is rear wheel drive most of the wear on the tires when doing power slides, donuts, etc. is on the rear. Should I keep the extra pair of wheels just for having fun with junk tires?
Sure but I did not pay for them 
I might add that I got them for pretty cheap.
Yep that's what grassroots drifters usually do, they run good EPS tires and swap the rears for their hooning wheels with cheapo tires for drifting.
i think you need at least 3 more sets of "hooning" wheels clad with different tires for different situations... hooning on gravel roads in the summer requires different tires than hooning around town after a blizzard before the plows come out...
And you have to waste a thread here . . . ?!?!?!
Of COURSE not ! Sell them off, pocket the ten bucks profit and spend it on a nice burger and fries for your effort.
Last thing you need to be doin' is running around burning the tread off of you discount tires and keeping the neighbors awake at night.
The burger would make him fat, kill him early. Save the rims, save your life. 
i usually keep a spare set of steelies for just this reason. i support cheep tires and lots of black marks
I have thought of getting a set of 16 inch "NATO" rims for my Disco and just fitting them with off-road tyres for when I decide to go out for a romp in the pine barrens. While not rocky or with much (if any) elevation changes.. soft sand and peat like mud would challenge any regular road going tyre