So I have a Forester XT 5 speed that I am getting a bit tired of. I went a little too far in regards to modding it and want something a little more comfortable for a daily driver. While browsing craigslist / autrader, whatever I happened to be on at the time I came across this.
It is really tempting me. In the past I have owned an e36 m3 and also a 318ti and really enjoy how they drive. Talk me into or out of this.
Something of a unicorn - you hardly ever see those with a manual transmission, and it seems like 99.99% of them were painted silver.
Not a bad price. I just picked up my second Xi about 3 weeks ago, a 2003 325xi with 89k miles. The price seems about right, I paid a bit more but it's newer, less miles, and a warranty.
I'd check for any records, especially that the cooling system was done (I'm about to do this on mine), and if its riding the original clutch it's probably on its last legs.
As many have pointed out, one of the last DIY friendly BMW's, and they really are.
Oh also, plan on replacing window regulators. Read up on the repair. Pretty easy, but they always break. I'm replacing my right rear this weekend.
redhookfern wrote:
Not a bad price. I just picked up my second Xi about 3 weeks ago, a 2003 325xi with 89k miles. The price seems about right, I paid a bit more but it's newer, less miles, and a warranty.
I'd check for any records, especially that the cooling system was done (I'm about to do this on mine), and if its riding the original clutch it's probably on its last legs.
As many have pointed out, one of the last DIY friendly BMW's, and they really are.
Oh also, plan on replacing window regulators. Read up on the repair. Pretty easy, but they always break. I'm replacing my right rear this weekend.
Unless you need to replace the commonly leaking oil pan gasket
Oh and the Xi's tend to eat axles a bit. Keep an eye on the boots. Happened in my first Xi
They will need lots of bushings, lots o oil leaks fixed, frequent window regulators, some crumbly interior bits replaced, etc... but after that you can make it handle laughably better than the fozzie while keeping the ride Cadillac comfy by comparison.
So bushing replacement job similar to the e36 models? Just looked up all the places that leak oil. Holy E36 M3, there are a lot of problem areas. Not sure if I want to dive into this one.
Wanna know when a BMW is low on fluids? When they stop leaking.
Seriously though every E46 I've had has had some small oil leak here or there. This also goes for every: Jeep, Saab, Porsche, and Honda that I've owned.
Not saying to look passed it, but (my) rule of thumb is if it's a 10 year old car or more, anything less than a quart of oil loss every 1-2 months is almost expected. Maybe it's just my own bad luck with leaks?
I have not had to address any oil leaks at all in my 330xi, it is auto and black. Our kid drives it as his daily, 10K without any real issues beyond the cooling system replacement.
My anecdotal experience
In reply to Jarod:
Yep, bushing stuff very similar to an e36. Basically at this age the cars need a consumables refresh or to be bought from someone who has already done it all.
Yeah, after finding a thread on one of the BMW forums it looks like most of the leaks are easy fixes. Now I just need to unload the forester.
If you don't need a stupidly fast car, and genuinely ~want~ AWD, this would be a nice car to drive.
I adore my e39 manual wagon, and find the stock sport suspension and 2.5L motor (w/ a slightly lighter flywheel) is plenty sporting for a racer's street car. If I can sucker a regular civilian driver in an M3 on an off ramp it's good enough...
Isn't there some fatal flaw with the M54 oil pump nut spinning off at high rpm?
Ian F
9/20/13 9:05 a.m.
Jarod wrote:
Now I just need to unload the forester.
Hmmm... where are you? 
Stargazer wrote:
Isn't there some fatal flaw with the M54 oil pump nut spinning off at high rpm?
I remember that being an issue with the S52, but don't recall it still being an issue with the E46 engines.
In reply to Ian F:
Colorado Springs
Thanks. If you have smog where you live you would need to do some part swaping anyways lol. I think I am going to hold out for a non awd.
Stargazer wrote:
Isn't there some fatal flaw with the M54 oil pump nut spinning off at high rpm?
It believe the issue still existed in the E46, as Vorshlag welded their oil pump nut on their DSP car. In all fairness, they raised their redline significantly and took full advantage of the increased RPMs on the auto-x course.
Ian F
9/20/13 12:46 p.m.
Jarod wrote:
Thanks. If you have smog where you live you would need to do some part swaping anyways lol. I think I am going to hold out for a non awd.
Ah... yeah... would definitely need to pass OBD II smog... half-heartly looking for a stock car or STX prep at most.
Y'all jinxed me! Took mine in for a state inspection to my Indy and they did their routine look over and spotted a valve cover leak. Guess that'll be in the mix. Anyone done one before? I've heard it's pretty easy
redhookfern wrote:
Y'all jinxed me! Took mine in for a state inspection to my Indy and they did their routine look over and spotted a valve cover leak. Guess that'll be in the mix. Anyone done one before? I've heard it's pretty easy
Yeah, they're pretty easy. You might do yourself a favor and get the rubber coil-on-plug boots, because you're fairly likely to have one rip when you remove them. Don't forget a thin layer of RTV in the half-moon cutouts.
I could go into a number of "while you're in there" repairs, but I won't unless there's a call for it.
Also I asked just out of curiosity what a clutch replacement runs on E46's and they guesstimated.....$2-2200, on the low/best case scenario. If they flywheel too he said $4,000.
Seriously? I mean, I know NYC has higher prices but come on