has anyone seen the contact list for emailing the staff? i can seem to find it on the site. meybe i am just not looking in the right place.
Contact link's down at the bottom. You can also contact people via the staff page (that link's also at the bottom) or through their profile page.
Jason always types like that, it's part of his charm
We're all pretty much name@grassrootsmotorsports.com. For example, I'm Per@grassrootsmotorsports.com
thanks guys. i really do say i am sorry about my typing. i just run though getting thoughts out and hit the wrong buttons and dont think about going back and fixing things.
As a side note, everyone has a contact form on their profile. Nobody's email is available anywhere on the site to protect your email from spambots.
Spammers just LOVE web boards. Most make no effort at all to safely store email addresses, and they're an easy way to grab thousands of email addresses in seconds.
Of course, none of this matters if you post your email.
You'll need to log in to post.