New Reader
6/28/15 10:13 p.m.
What is the deal with Craigslist ads which only list an email as means of reply? In the 2 yrs or so I have been trolling Craiglist looking for GRM worthy wheels to add to my fleet, I have never received a reply via email. I thought perhaps this was an issue with using a free webmail account (Yahoo), but even using my work address I do not get any replies.
Latest ad that I wished someone would attach a phone number to:
Some people (like me) can't answer the phone all the time so it makes sense to have buyers contact me by email. I usually mention that I'll call potential buyers back as soon as I can. Works for me, although these days I tend to include a cell number for texts. Problem is with the latter, you tend to get a few people who can't understand the "text only" part and then call you right at the most inconvenient moment.
I always run email only, keeps people from calling me at odd hours asking dumb questions. Once a serious conversation has been established over email I'll give a number.
I suspect you're just running into the classic CL asshat who never takes down listings when the thing sells, and then ignores any contact attempts. I usually shoot a second email if I don't get a response within 24hrs, this often gets a reply from aforementioned asshat to confirm my suspicion.
I've run a CL ad recently with email only and apparently someone had to message me three times before the message came through. So, I think I'll change that when I re-do the ad.
I also have never received a reply from any inquisition I have sent through email. For that reason I don't even bother with ads that don't include a number.
When selling something I always include my cell number. I never found it to be a hassle answering questions or shooting down trade offers. That's just what you get when you try to sell something.
When I sell on cl I give both a number and email. It's about 50/50 which the buyers use.
I have a buddy who will not put his number on a listing as he thinks he will get harassing calls and texts. He is a very unsuccesful cl seller. I guess growing up the only gay kid in a rural area in the early 80's scarred him a bit and he doesn't take many risks.
I'm another in the e-mail only crowd. I did the phone number bit a few times and I'm surprised that some of the people who called had enough intelligence to dial a phone. Forget it, I'm busy enough, I don't need that crap. E-mail me first, and if you seem like you've got 2 brain cells that can still communicate with each other, then we'll go from there. It's worked well for me.
I don't usually respond to email only adds and I have a guy that will sell my stuff for 10% commission. If it's a cheap enough item, I stick it in the Swap Shop at the dump or scrap it.
In prefer email for the initial contact because 90% of the time I get calls at a time when I can't answer them or have a detailed conversation. I'll usually reply to an email response with my phone number or a phone call. Also, it's much easier to sort through language barriers with email.
6/29/15 6:46 a.m.
I've only ever posted ads with email contact info only. Only after establishing contact and weeding out the obvious spambots, will I give out my cell number.
6/29/15 7:06 a.m.
I just started to include my phone number on CL ads. Mostly because I assume younger people (I'm 33 years old) would prefer to text me. So far it has worked out and I haven't had robot phone calls or anything.
I am always e-mail only. I don't want people knowing my home or cell number, you never know what kind of wackos are out there.
+1 for email only.
Accepting texts seems to encourage stupid questions and conversations that drag out for hours or days. Usually its the seller asking things that are already well covered in my ad.
Email is a much better form of communication for these things. When I've established that the buyer is a reasonable person to deal with, I will happily communicate via phone or text.
If your email is "Hi do u have the car what is the lowest dollar you will take", don't expect a response.
T.J. wrote:
I've only ever posted ads with email contact info only. Only after establishing contact and weeding out the obvious spambots, will I give out my cell number.
This. Sort through the BS and save time. Although I have to look in my spam filter for some replies.
6/29/15 9:39 a.m.
I prefer email only....some of the calls I've gotten in the past.....good gracious. I don't mind talking or texting after I know you're semi serious, but email helps weed out the weirdos.
6/29/15 10:00 a.m.
I only do email also, but I also:
- Take my ads down when they are sold
- Reply to emails promptly
- If I forget #1 and I get an email, I reply and apologize, then take the listing down.
Email only for me. I'm not giving out my phone # for the unwashed masses of craigslist to have.
I include my phone number simply because of how convenient texting is.
I mention in the ad that I'm not likely to answer the phone, haven't had too many problems there.
New Reader
6/29/15 11:06 a.m.
I have to wonder what black hole all of my emails are delivered to. I start my email by stating that I am in fact a real person with money in hand wanting to buy their item. Even with several emails sent from a real account(non-Yahoo, MSN, Gmail, etc), I have never received a response. I have tried both the copy-paste as well as the "mailto:" type link that pre-populates the Craigslist generated address.
First contact via email only, ever. Once the flakes are weeded out I'll switch to voice or text.
I also don't bother with trying to make a purchase from a seller with just the craigslist email. They never check it or it never goes through.
When I sell, I should start using my e-mail first since I get a few scam artists trying to hustle me.
I am 100% email only. If a buyer seems worth the time, I'll provide my phone number.
I prefer email only. Anytime I put in a phone number I get messages "Wuts ur bottom dollar on the bike?" Plus spam from someone wanting to help sell my car
6/29/15 2:30 p.m.
The e-mail weeds out the real time wasters. It seems that the need to compose a coherent sentence serves as a firewall against Morons and shiny happy people.
On a more benign level, it means I wont be receiving phones call in the middle of a meeting or late at night.
I detest talking on the phone. My brain doesn't process it as well as written words. I also have terrible service and will likely miss calls. Voicemails are a pain to sort and listen to. Email is a nice concise way to know who contacted first, and its a way that I can respond in my own time.
I have had some trouble with Gmail and receiving emails from CL. It seems that Google sends some of them to the spam folder since they do tend to trip many of the spam filter criteria; coming from CL, the words "offer" or "buy" or "sell" often show up, etc.
But the real big reason is the spam. If I put my phone number on CL, I get all kinds of txts about increasing my hootus size, top dollar paid for your junk car, and come view my steamy pixxx. I already have a huge hootus, nearly all of my cars are junk, and I don't need steamy pixxx.