Hi all - i have recently launched the following car in the uk , would be very interested to have some constructive feedback from racers in the usa - where i hope there might be a market for it - car has been designed to be representative of the pre-aero f1 / indy / f5000 era but utilises a very strong / safe round tube spaceframe and chevy ls motor .
let me know what you guys think !
Can it be made street legal?
otherwise, looks sharp.
Very nice web page!!!
LS1 in that????? Dam that is going to scoot!!! With that much motor in that body (no aero) I see bad things happening.
A really cool looking car however but I suspect that it should only be driven "at speed" by a very experienced driver.
Wow, I feel exactly the same way about F1 cars going with wings and this is something that I always wanted to build myself. Unfortunately $58k is going to break my budget few times over. Beautiful car but way outside the realm of possibility for most of us.
New Reader
1/20/09 6:22 a.m.
In reply to dean1484:
we have limited the power to around 300 bhp - car weighs 1400 lbs -
for less experienced / trackday users the power to weight ratio is further restricted ( choked ) , aiming to achieve a good balance of throttle controlled oversteer with set up . Its much easier to detune and so much cheaper !! top speed is also restricted to around 150 mph - thanks for your feedback
New Reader
1/20/09 6:23 a.m.
not really , design has been specifically aimed at one make racing or top end trackdays
In reply to Grtechguy:
That is sweet! I've always loved that era of F1 cars.
Now just paint one up BRG and gold and I'll drive it around here for you as free advertising! 
That is one of the cleanest websites I've ever seen.
If I win the lottery, I'll take two of them!
One painted red with a prancing horse on the side
another painted green and yellow.
Anyone want to recreate the Grand Prix movie? Live action version of the Grand Prix Legends PC Game? Yes!

New Reader
1/20/09 12:59 p.m.
Interesting the way the rear upper radius rod threads through the curled up header tubes!
So, can I get A/C, power steering and brakes, cruise control, stereo, tinted windscreen, floor mats, ....;)
Very nice!
Way out of my price range but I bet you can sell a bunch here in the Colonies, particularly if SCCA or NASA would create a class for them sorta like the Factory Five Challenge
Very nice, but to really get serious on the track with that thing you'd have to stick some wings on it. It'll sell on nostalgia alone though!
Uh, that is the whole point. No wings, just the mechanical grip of 1400lbs to harness 300hp with the rear wheels.
SCCA's formula cars don't have wings until you get to the Formula Atlantic/Formula Mazda ranks. The 1200lb/115hp Formula Fords do just fine without wings.
fiat22turbo wrote:
SCCA's formula cars don't have wings until you get to the Formula Atlantic/Formula Mazda ranks. The 1200lb/115hp Formula Fords do just fine without wings.
To illustrate fiat22turbo's comment:

^ not nearly as sexy as the old F1 cars though. 
And I suppose you could argue that the modern body shape and little side pods probably add some downforce too - at least compared to the old "cigar on wheels" look.
Oh yeah, even in the lower ranks, they paid attention to the aero of the car as much as the rules would allow.
1/20/09 4:59 p.m.
I love that car more than the realultimatepower.net guy loves ninjas. I can only hope that my death involves me in that car, upside down, backwards, on fire, in the air, smashing through a brick wall and into a lake.
I get it, but it's kinda like selling a sports car with skinny wheels...it makes it handle in a totally different manner, but the bottom line is that if you want more performance the best thing to do is put those wide wheels right back on.
I like. It could be a lot of fun.
Stuart Taylor Motorsport? I always loved the looks of the Phoenix.
wow, that engine is sweeet especially the exhaust. Nice work
1/20/09 7:07 p.m.
Wow... that's hot. And I have to agree with the others, AWESOME clean website. And way out of my price range
1/20/09 7:57 p.m.
Wow, that's awesome. Some spoilered-up Lotus track-day special might be cutting faster lap times, but I bet the F1-67 driver would be having more fun mastering his machine.
heart attack
A figment of my imagination come to life, well done sir.